Were-Vamp 10

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The Cruella de Ville car is parked in the parking lot of a five-story adobe building, where Calvin, Sarah, Ashley, and John are lounging at the pool wearing robes and sunglasses with face masks on and drinks in their hands.

"Mm." There's a grumbling sound.

"What was that?" Calvin turned to the side to see Christian wrapped head-to-toe in seaweed wrapping. "Ashley." He already knows who's responsible.

She smiled 'innocently'. "What? His skin needs a lot of attention. The hard part was stripping him and wrapping him in it." She smiled at John as he quietly sips his drink.

When Christian was freed from the seaweed, he is in the locker room. "I thought spas were supposed to be a relaxing place." He jumped when an ice cube touched his neck and Ashley is smirking as he is glaring her.

Afterwards, the girls and boys are in separate rooms getting massages. Christian's family got good looking masseuses that massage gently. Christian ended up with a bulky woman named Olga, who is breaking his back.

"Ow! Mercy! Mercy!" Sarah is glaring at a laughing Ashley in their room upon hearing Christian undergoing torture.

After their massage, Christian is lying on a bench with swirly eyes. "There you are." He looked at his father in horror. "We are going to bathe in the mud room then get waxed."

John leaned in and whispered into their father's ear. "Uh huh. Okay. You boys have fun. We shall meet you later."

Ashley pouted now that she can't pick on her long-lost brother for a while.

When they were out of sight, Christian sat up. "What are we going to do?" he asked dreadfully.

He and John made their way into the steam room and are sitting and sweating.

"Sarah says you went to boarding school in Europe." His eyes lit up. "Do you have an accent like dad's? Is it English, French, Spanish?"

John closed his eyes and stayed silent. Christian is pouting. "C'mon. Can't I get a hint?' he's poking his face. "Can you even talk? Hello? Earth to John." His elder brother kept on ignoring him.

Christian finally stopped poking him and sat with his arms crossed. "Well, thanks for saving me back there. Who knows what Ashley had in store for me."

At that moment, an older hefty gentleman came in and sat right on top of Christian making John's lips twitch upwards. "Hello young man. There's nothing like a good sweat lodge to take the edge off."

"Mm." Christian mumbled and is squirming underneath the man but he didn't notice.

"Back when I was your age, we didn't have a spa. We had to drive all the way North to visit the hot springs. Have you ever gone there? If not, I recommend it. It does wonders for aches and pain."

He yelped when Christian flung him off and stomped his foot angrily. "Next time, watch where you sit! You could've killed me!"

He began to feel light headed before collapsing. John rushed to his side.

Their family found them back at the pool with Christian passed out with John spraying water and fanning him.

"Good grief." their father said. "What happened?"

John looked at them and spoke with a similar accent as their father. "He collapsed in the sauna. I guess heat doesn't agree with him."

Sarah slapped him on the arm. "About time you spoke. Why have you been so quiet lately?"

He grinned. "Ashley and I made a bet to see how long I can stay silent with this goofball. Let me tell you, it's been very challenging."

Calvin shook his head. "You kids are enjoying torturing your brother a little too much."

Christian hissed and gained their attention.

"Is he okay?" Sarah asked.

"He is sweating too much. We need to cool him down."

Ashely snapped her fingers. "I have an idea."

Later, Christian is awake and humming happily in the sub box he is in. It's a box you sit in and extremely cold air comes out. The man running it looked at Christian in shock as he's taking in the cold air with no problems.

Once Christian is cooled down, he and his family are eating in the fancy restaurant that's inside the hotel. His family ordered soup, crab, fish, and salad. Christian on the other hand ordered a triple bacon cheeseburger with chili, cheese, garnish, and potato wedges.

Sarah smiled as the others look aghast. "Don't worry." she said. "I've seen worse. You should've seen him and Jacob bombard the meat section of an all-you-can-eat buffet. It was horrifying."

"Hey, we weren't that bad." Christian said with chili all over his face. Sarah laughed as the others grimaced. "What?" Calvin reached over to wipe his face with a napkin roughly.

"Take it easy or you'll get heart burn or indigestion. I can't tell you how many times your mother had indigestion when she was pregnant with all of you. It was hard to tell if she was in labor or not. She almost ate me one time by accident."

Ashley rolled her eyes. "Stop being dramatic dad. Besides, Troy said you tried spoon feeding her. Who spoon feeds a werewolf? That is a huge mistake to make."

Calvin huffed. "Yeah, yeah. Don't believe me."

After dinner, Christian is talking to Jason on the phone. "I'll be back the day after tomorrow. Awe, do you miss me? Huh? Ha-ha very funny. Of course, I miss you. I've been lonely. Plus I still think one of them are going to kill me whether it's intentional or not. Don't laugh or I'm hanging up."

Sarah came out. "Let's go for a walk around town." Christian nodded. "I gotta go. Sarah wants to show me around town."

"Hi Jason!" she yelled loud enough to make Christian yelp.

"Gotta go, and you are laughing. Ugh, bye." he hung up his cell phone. "Jerk."

Sarah pinched his cheek. "But you love him, don't you?" He slapped her hands away and his face is beet red. "Ha! You're blushing!" he glared at her.

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