Were-Vamp 5

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A couple of weeks have passed since Christian learned he's a Were-Vamp and is looking at the bottle labeled B Positive in front of him.

"C'mon little bro. You've got to drink one of these a day in order to deal with your blood craving." Sarah said sternly. "If you don't moderate your meat and blood you will start going on a killing rampage again."

Christian sighed. "I'm sorry Sarah, but this bottle is so small. I feel like I'm going on a diet or something."

Jacob is sniggering. "You, go on a diet? That'll be the day." He's pinching his cheeks. "Look at those chipmunk cheeks. You can store a trunk's worth of acorns in them."

Christian pried his hands off and blushed. "My cheeks are fine. And what are you doing here? Sarah and I attend classes here, but you don't."

Jacob exhaled and crossed his arms. "Mom and dad insisted I tag along in case angry monster hunters try killing Sarah. Otherwise, I would be kicking it back in Alaska."

Sarah rolled her eyes. "You volunteered to come along."

"That's because Ashley would've come instead, and we know that can't end well."

"Ashley?" Christian asked.

Sarah smiled. "One of our sisters, of course. Let's see, John and Ashley are the oldest. Then it's me and Jesse. Then you and Jacob. And Roger is the youngest."

Christian's eyes widened. "Wait." he looked at Jacob. "I'm older than you?"

Jacob tapped his head with his knuckles. "Don't let it inflate your little brain. Like I'll listen to you."

Christian shook his head. "It's not that. I'm just surprised is all. I mean, you act more mature than I do and you are, well." When compared to each other, Jacob is like a Husky and Christian is a Pomeranian.

"I am what?"

Christian blushed. "Um, you are taller than I am."

He smirked. "That's right. You are the runt of the family. Even your nieces and nephews are going to be taller than you. It's a miracle you are taller than Jason. Although he is taller than other zombies I've seen."

Christian pouted. "Meanie. I'm leaving." He gathered his backpack and is about to leave when Sarah put her hands out.

"Christian, wait." He looked as she handed him the bottle. "Drink this before class starts." He snatched it from her hand and stomped away annoyed.

Jacob smiled wide. "He is entertaining. The others are going to have fun messing with him, especially Ashley."

Jason arrived. "Look who decided to join us."

Jason looked at them. "Where's Christian?"

Sarah pointed at Jacob. "He made fun of his height and chased him away."

Jason's lips are twitching upwards. "He is smaller compared to most Werewolves. He just surpasses me by a couple of inches."

Jacob laughed. "That's what I said."

Sarah slapped his arm to make him stop. "Anyways, when are you going to tell our brother how you feel? I'm very tempted to squish your faces together just to get you two to date already."

Jason diverted his eyes. "I want to tell him; I really do but, I don't want to ruin our friendship. Especially now that he just learned what he is."

Sarah put her hand on his arm. "Talk to him. From what I can tell he feels the same way. If you don't then someone else will snatch him away."

Jason growled when he heard that. "If someone tried, I will not hesitate to eliminate them." He said menacingly before clearing his throat. "I see your point. I think I'll talk to him now."

When he left Jacob whistled. "Man. I never knew zombies could be so possessive."

"How can you not? Remember Troy with his flowerbeds that you guys destroyed?

Jacob frowned. "Oh yeah. Is there a botanical garden I can check out?"

Jason is looking all over for Christian and spotted his female friend. It turns out she's a zombie too. "Hey." she greeted him.

"Hey. Have you seen Christian?"

"Miss Keller wanted to speak with him, why?" He gave her a look and she gasped. "You're finally going to confess to him?'

"Yes. I can't hold back any longer. And just thinking of him with someone else makes me crazy."

She frowned. "Are you sure you want to do this? You're not just lusting after him, are you?"

He looked at her seriously. "I am very sure. And I don't want just intimacy. He makes me happy and I enjoy his company very much."

She looked down and he lifted her chin up. "I appreciate your concern, but my heart belongs to him, and I hope you'll support me no matter what happens."

She nodded her head in understanding. "I will always be here for you. I just can't help worrying about you."

Jason smiled at her. "Thanks." He took a deep breath. "I better get going."

He rushed to Miss Keller's classroom and peeked in, but no one was there. He narrowed his eyes as he entered. "Where are they?"

"Miss Keller." He heard Christian's voice coming from Miss Keller's little office. He looked through the glass and feels his blood boiling.

Christian is sitting on the office chair with Miss Keller grinding against him on top of his lap.

"Please stop. You are my teacher." He pleaded as he attempts to push her away.

She smirked at him. "Fine, but don't expect to pass this class."

Christian's eyes widened. "What? You can't do that."

She looked at him smugly. "I can, and I will. unless you do it with me. Then you can draw a picture of a clown on the test and I'll still pass you." She's unbuttoning her blouse. "What do you say?"

Miss Keller screamed as Jason popped out of nowhere and is pulling her by the hair and is yanking her off of Christian.

"Jason!" Christian scrambled up to stop him when he the sound of cracking bones was loud and clear. He dropped her and she lies on the floor motionless.

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