Were-Vamp 9

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Troy looked at the cougar impressed as he is assisting Christian in skinning and dismembering it as the others worked on their carcasses.

"I must say, this is impressive. It is rare for someone to bring home a carnivore. Normally, it's the herbivores" he said as he's cutting skillfully as Christian looked away trying not to puke. "Make yourself useful and hold onto the fur here while I skin the rest."

Christian is shakily holding the fur and mumbled, "Sorry." to the cougar.

Troy chuckled. "You'll get used to it in time. I hope." he said as he kept slicing away. "By the way, I heard you were dating a zombie."

Christian blushed and nodded his head. "I am."

Troy hummed in thought. "I'm trying to figure out what attracted him to you. You would think he would find someone more intellectual. And I can't say it's your looks since you seem average compared to the rest of your family."

Christian is glaring at him and clenching his grip on the fur. "What are you getting at?"

Troy is whistling contently and ignoring him making his family laugh. Christian got mad enough to yank some of the fur off. "Good. That shall make it a lot easier." Troy said. "And I'm just curious is all. I can't wait to meet him; that shall make an interesting conversation."

Christian is ready to decapitate him. Luckily, Sarah is escorting him out. "It seems it is almost ready so we'll let you work peacefully."

Dinnertime came and Calvin raised a wine glass. "Here's to family and the surprises of life. And may we have as much fun tomorrow as you did today."

After his little toast, everyone is scarfing up all the food again. This time, Christian is able to get food that fell underneath the table.

The next day, Christian and the vampire half of the family are loading up in an old car that resembles the one that Cruella de Ville uses.

"Are you sure about this?" Tracy felt concerned.

Calvin flipped his wrist. "Do not fret my darling. It is like riding a bike. You never fully forget."

Ashely leaned forward. "Have you ever ridden a bike?"

"Not since World War I." Calvin said.

"Hm. No offense dad, but I am too pretty to die, so I am just going to fly there." Ashley said before Calvin turned around with a dark aura surrounding him.

"You are all staying in this car so we can have much needed family time. Even if it does kill you." he said menacingly.

Ashley murmured incoherent words as John remained stoic. Sarah is comforting a trembling Christian.

His dark aura disappeared when he turned back to smile at his loving wife and other half of the family. "Well, I am off and we shall notify you when we get into town." he chirped.

The car stayed in place. "Uh, honey. Aren't you going?" Tracy asked as the other half of the family are laughing quietly as to not feel Calvin's wrath.

He is stomping on the gas pedal, but nothing is happening. "Just gotta get this baby going." he said.

Christian blinked with unbelieving eyes. "Um, dad? You need to turn the ignition on."

Everyone is looking at him dumbstruck. Calvin slapped his own forehead.

"Of course. Why didn't I think of that?" He studied the car for a moment.

"How do you turn the ignition on?" he asked Christian.

"Um, the key." He answered. He looked at him. "Right. The key."

Ashley leaned forward with a grin. "You don't have a key do you?"

Calvin huffed. "I have many keys." He took out a bunch of keys dangling on a keyring.

"Now, let's see. This is for the house. The warehouse in NAPA. Ooh a skeleton key for the attic and basement." He kept going through each key as Sarah rolled down the window.

"You guys better leave. This could take a while."

Jacob and Roger grinned with their arms crossed. "No way. And by chance miss when the car does start? We don't think so." She rolled her eyes before rolling the window back up.

"Out of curiosity, when was the last time dad has driven?" Christian asked.

Sarah thought about it. "My guess is, well maybe when." She narrowed her eyes at her father. "You've never driven a car in your whole life have you?"

Calvin bristled and frowned. "If I haven't driven, then why do I have a car stored away?"

Ashley rolled her eyes. "Are you sure this isn't Troy's car by chance? And if so, how did you convince him to let you borrow it?" He thought about it before realizing something.

A minute later, Troy is handing him the key. "Sorry for the inconvenience master." He didn't sound sorry at all.

"It is quite alright, we will take great care of your vehicle." He grabbed the key but Troy is having a hard time letting go.

"Is there a problem Troy?" Calvin asked and Troy stiffened.

"Not at all sir, but if I can make a suggestion."

Next thing Christian knows, he's behind the wheel driving down the countryside.

"How did I end up being everyone's chauffeur?" he asked.

"I apologize, but you're the only one other than Troy that knows how to drive. It was the only way he would give me the key without tearing his hand off." His dad said as he's sitting in the passenger seat.

Christian huffed. "Yeah, but I get the feeling if something happens to his car, he's going to literally kill me." He said as he grabbed the shift stick and moved it to get the right gear as they are making a sharp turn.

"This is wonderful. Us taking a family road trip." Calvin said happily. "And I've never been in the passenger seat before. It is quite exhilarating."

Sarah couldn't help smiling. "Maybe you can teach us how to drive little bro."

Christian stiffened. "Ah, well, if you guys really want to, but with a different car. If Troy kills me I'm haunting all of you." He threatened and made everyone laugh. "Not funny. I swear I will."

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