Pearl Prince 3

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The next morning, Laura knocked on the door before entering the hospital room with coral in her hands.

Cole is wide awake and their eyes locked. "How are you feeling?"

"Been better. When can I leave? I have to find my auntie. She was in trouble, and if anything happens to her, I would never forgive myself." He's beginning to tear up.

"It'll be alright." Laura rushed to his side. "And I promise to help you find her."

He sniffled. "Really?"

"Yes really." She swore. "I can get a sketch artist in here, and then post her picture all over town. I'll ask Jeff if we can post his number if anyone has seen her. He's our royal guard."

Cole grabbed her hand. "Thank you so much."

She squeezed his hand in return. "You're welcome." Bubbles is squeaking disapprovingly before blowing bubbles in Cole's face.

Cole got an idea, and took a pearl out and waved it. "Fetch." He said before tossing it, and the yellow snapper chased after it. Laura couldn't help giggling at the cute display.

After struggling to describe his aunt, Cole took it upon himself to draw her picture. "And that should do it." He happily showed them his masterpiece.

"You draw very good." Laura said. "But why is she smiling like that?"

"Like what?"

"Like she's up to no good."

Cole looked at the picture in his hands and chuckled. "She has a mischievous side to her, that's for sure."

When Cole was finally discharged, he and Laura set out to post flyers of his missing aunt, and he is in awe with the luminous city with tons of merfolk and sea creatures swimming all around.

"This place is amazing."

Laura smiled. "Glad you like our beautiful kingdom." She handed him a stack of papers. "Now, hang one in each shop window while I staple these on street posts."

He nodded before swimming off to do as told. She hears Bubbles squeak at her as she smiles at her new friend. "What? I'm just happy to help a new friend out. Especially one with gorgeous eyes that suck you in." She coughed awkwardly before getting to work.

When they were posting the last flyers, someone called Laura's name. They look across the street to see royal mermaids about their age waving at them.

They made their way over and Laura greeted her peers with kisses on the cheeks, and a few merboys kissing her hand.

"Who's this?" They asked when they spotted the newcomer.

"This is Cole. We found him out in the depths of the ocean, and are helping him locate his aunt. What are you guys doing here?"

Before they could answer, shadows are covering the city, and they look up to see a bunch of sea life migrating in one direction. "What in the sea?"

Cole squinted and notices a familiar eel swimming in the crowd. "Skipper!"

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