Woodlands 4

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Alex opened his eyes as sunlight shined through a crack in what appears to be a hut made of sticks. The light blinded him and he got up groggily. As he rubbed his eyes, he can hear voices right outside the hut he's in. He leaned against the wall and peeked out to see people dressed in Earthy toned clothes walking around part of what appears to be a village. Some are walking casually. Others are carrying baskets and nets with food in them. "Where am I?" he asked himself before seeing the man from earlier talking to a younger guy.

He seems a couple of years older than Alex, he's got black hair down and is shoulder length. His mahogany-colored eyes look sharp and focused and compliments well with his beige clothing. "Are you sure it is him Alder? We thought the Lauders disposed of him right after killing my mother. If you are wrong about this, you are in serious trouble." The younger guy threatened. Alder put his palms out. "Of course, I am right Fern. I wouldn't have brought him here if he was a stranger. I was there for his birth and before he was taken, so I know what he looks like. Go see for yourself."

Fern narrowed his eyes. "Very well, but if it turns out is isn't him, we shall burn him alive. Understood." Alder bowed respectfully. "I understand, my lord." Alex gasped and looked around for an escape route. He found a hole torn in the back right corner. He rushed over and notices he can't crawl through it. He sighed. "Looks like I will have to burrow my way out." He stomped his foot and sunk into the ground and disappeared. He burrowed his way under the hole and emerged a foot away from the hut. Exhaling much needed air, he dusted his clothes before hearing a familiar giggle.

To the side he sees a little girl hiding but peeping from behind the other side of the hut. She has light blue eyes, long brown hair tied into a ponytail, and she is wearing green-grey attire. Alex smiled and waved before putting his finger to his mouth to make a shushing sound. The little girl shushed him back before smiling and hiding from view. He sighed in relief before looking around and snuck out of the village. Unknowingly, he's leaving a trail of crisp green grass and flowers on the ground.

Alder and Fern were about to enter the hut. "Remember to show patience. He doesn't know anything about his true heritage." "Wait for us!" they turn to see two young women. One with long black hair down. The other has brown hair braided. The brunette has hazel eyes. The other has brown eyes. They are both wearing brown attire. "Daisy. Crystal. What are you two doing here?" Crystal adjusted her braid before pinching Fern's cheeks. "Dear brother of ours, we want to see our baby brother. Now, are you going to keep blabbering away or let us in?" Fern slapped her hand away. "We don't even know if it is him, so just wait out here until we are sure." Daisy scoffed.

"Don't patronize us. We are your elder sisters, so you need to be respectful of our wishes." Fern snorted. "You two are only a couple of years older than me." The sisters rolled their eyes. "Yeah, yeah, now less talk and get out of the way." They shoved him aside to enter the hut. "Hey." Fern rushed to stop them when they look to see Alex is long gone. "What the heck? Where did he go?" they heard giggling coming from outside and ran to investigate. They see the little girl among other kids rolling around in the grass and picking the flowers off the ground. "Violet. Where did this grass come from?" Violet shushed her and glanced where Alex left. "Shoot! He's making a run for it. And I believe that's where they are. We need to stop him before it's too late."

Fern narrowed his eyes in determination. "Gather soldiers to help search for my supposed brother and have the villagers keep vigilante for any signs of danger." Alder rushed to do as ordered. Fern looked ahead. " It appears it is him, At least he was nice enough to leave a trail for us to follow." He smirked.

A few miles away, Phil groaned as he woke up from falling from the sky. He was knocked out when he landed harshly on the ground. He sat up and winced in pain. "That was fun." he said sarcastically. He got up slowly and stood as tall as he can manage. "Hello! Alex! Sprites! Anyone!" he heard rustling in the bushes and picked a hand-full of rocks this time. He got ready to throw them when what or whoever popped out. The thing jumped out and Phil screamed and threw rocks as he closed his eyes. "Hey! Quit it! Stupid mortal!" A woman's voice spoke. Phil opened his eyes and his jaw dropped.

A red-haired woman about his age stood before him. She has her long hair half up, half down, her green eyes shined in the sunlight, and is wearing white attire with grey patterns on them. He knelt down upon her beauty. "You're an Angel." she grimaced her face in disgust before throwing a rock in retaliation. "The name's Holly, and don't get any ideas. I'm here at Alder's request. He says you are the prodigal brother's brother. I am here to bring you to our village." Phil scrambled to stand again. "Me, go to a sprite village?" Holly stared at him. "Is there a problem? Our home isn't to your liking princess?" He narrowed his eyes feeling offended. "I am a prince. Thank you very much.

And how do I know you and your people won't just kill me when I arrive? No way. Nuh-uh. Not this guy." He turned around to leave and bumped into a tree. "Not again. Why don't you leave me alone?" he scowled at the sky. Holly looked at him funny. "Who are you talking to? Did you injure your brain?" He turned to glare at her when he felt blood trickling down his face from his forehead. He wiped some with his fingers and screamed bloody murder. "Ah! I'm bleeding again! I'm dying! Help!" Holly chased him around the forest for a good while before entangling him with roots from the trees. Phil kept screaming before Holly slapped his face. Phil looked at her with wide eyes feeling stunned.

"Thanks. I think that actually helped." She smirked. "Oh really." She began slapping him silly. "Hey. Stop that." he whined. She stopped but kept smirking. "Okay, I'm calm. Now, let me go so I can find my brother." She snapped her fingers and released him. "Let's get going." He made a gesture. "Ladies first." She rolled her eyes before walking. Phil followed her cautiously. They walked silently for a while. "So, what's up with the forest? I thought sprites kept their home plentiful. Just my brother alone makes Lauderdale beautiful and luscious. So, what's going on?" Holly scowled. "Like you Lauders care about our land." Phil shrugged. "I admit that I'm not an outdoorsy person, but not all Lauders hate nature. My brother Alex and most of our kingdom are working hard to use green powered resources.

We are trying to be more eco-friendly with the environment. If you saw us you'd be dumbstruck." Holly turned around and crossed her arms. "I'll believe when I see it." Phil's eyes lit up. "Does that mean you'll come visit me?" She scoffed as she turned back. "Yeah right. Your people will tear me and my fellow sprites to shreds if we step foot onto your land." Phil looked down. "Times have changed. I'm sure things will be fine." she turned her head to glare at him. "Okay. Maybe not everyone will be as welcoming, but there's a lot of people who are super nice." He put his arms out. She hmphed before leading him to the village. When they arrived, everyone looked at the newcomer. "Hi." he said nervously.

"I come in peace." he said before seeing a spider crawl on his shoulder and made him scream. He's dancing around frantically trying to get it off him. The adults thought he was crazy and Violet appeared out of nowhere and removed it for him. He stopped screaming when he realized it is gone. "Phew. Thank you little girl. I appreciate it." Violet giggled and Phil pointed at her. "You are the one who blasted me with that whirlwind earlier." Violet continued giggling. "You're funny. I like you." She said in a high-pitch voice. Phil blushed. "Uh. Thank you?" he looked around. "By the way, where is my brother?" Violet pointed ahead. "The new sprite left earlier. My uncle is worried cause he's heading to Earth giant territory." Phil jumped. "Earth giants?" Violet nodded.

"Yeah, they are meanies. They've been sucking up all the pretty plants we made and are big bullies." Phil yelped before running. "I'm coming Alex! Please don't get pulverized and leave me alone in this creepy place!" the adult sprites looked at him with deadpan expressions on their faces as the kids looked at him like he's entertaining. Holly face palmed herself before following Phil. "I better go with him before he causes messes and gets himself killed. I'll be back." she told everyone before running to catch up to the prince. It didn't take long as he tripped on a root and landed in a mud puddle. "Ew! Gross! Get it off me! Not sanitary!" she shook her head thinking, "How are you going to help when you are such a wuss when it comes to getting dirty?" She stomped over to him. "Hang on, I got you."

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