Were-Vamp 1

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A couple were out smoking in a dark alley when they hear growling.

They look to the side to see the silhouette of a big dog in the shadows.

"Stupid dog." The man threw an empty beer can and hit it on the nose.

The dog didn't move an inch.

"Son of a." The man approached and kicked when a big furry hand grabbed ahold of his ankle. The man cursed as he's being dragged away.

The woman ran away screaming bloody murder.

A bar is in sight, but before she can make it, the same furry hand grabbed her from behind and tugged her backwards. Her yells for help go unnoticed as she struggles feebly.

Sometime later, a detective arrived on scene. "What do we got?" he asked a police officer.

"Nothing good. We found two bodies. A man and a woman just an alleyway apart from each other. They were chewed up as if a huge animal had gotten a hold of them."

The detective looks intrigued. "Really? Then why did you contact homicide?" As an answer, he escorted him to the first body.

"Jesus." The detective said. "She sure is ripped to shreds, but where's the blood? With an attack this brutal, there should be tons of it splattered everywhere."

"That's why we called you." the officer said. "Someone killed these people and drained them of their blood. The question is how, why, and who?"

The next day, an eighteen-year-old boy about five four is running to the field for track practice. The wind is blowing his short red hair as he's trying to dodge people on his way over.

"Sorry! Pardon me!" He entered through the gates where the other athletes are participating.

His coach spotted him and has her hands on her hips disapprovingly. "Mr. Shear. You are late."

He's huffing and puffing. "I'm sorry coach. I accidentally fell asleep and was running late."

"This is the tenth time you've ran late for one reason or another. I should bench you this time."

His honey-colored eyes widened. "No, please. I'll do extra laps or something but please don't take running away from me." He batted his eyes unintentionally and his coach stared deeply into them for a moment and sighed.

"Fine, but you will do an extra ten laps as punishment for being tardy."

He smiled in relief and sparkled. "Thank you so much coach." She blushed as he rushed onto the track to join the others.

When practice was finished, he was doing the extra laps he promised he'll do. He's sweating as he rounded the corner where the football players are practicing on the football field.

Out of nowhere, a football whacked him upside the head. "Ow." He stopped as he rubs his head.

"Bulls-eye." He turned around to see a football player wearing blue and white attire with his shoulder-length blonde hair down with his green eyes gleaming mischievously.

"Buckman!" The blonde bristled when his coach yelled from behind. "Are you a slacker?! Well, are you?"!

"No sir!"

"Good! Now retrieve the ball and get to it!"

"Yes sir!" When his coach left, Buckman smirked. "Yo. Be a dear and give me my ball back."

The red head pouted as he grabbed the ball and is aiming.

"What are you waiting for? I'm getting old waiting and ugh." Buckman kneeled in pain as the football was thrown with great speed and strength. "Why you."

Shear yelped as he sprinted and jumped hurdles with the angry blonde on his tail. Buckman tripped and fell as the young red-head kept going.

As he was exiting the sports center, he bumped into a nineteen-year-old boy with short hair dyed blue that matches the color of his eyes, has fair skin, and is five feet tall.

"Christian." He groaned as Christian landed on top of him.

"Jason!" He's scrambling off of him. "I'm so sorry!"

Jason is dusting his clothes off as he stands up. "Where are you running to in such a hurry?"

"Buckman." He answered..

"You really need to stop peeving him off, so he can stop chasing you. It's been like this since the first day of college."

Christian opened his mouth when Buckman came and pointed angrily at him. "You!"

Christian yelped and grabbed Jason and booked it.

"Come back here and face me like a man!" Buckman ran after them and passed by an old storage closet that seemed locked. Christian and Jason are squished together, and Jason snuggled closer and is inhaling his scent as Christian waited with fated breath.

"I think the coast is clear." Christian said before Jason covered his mouth from behind.

"Sh." He shushed in time to see Buckman returning but is tired out.

"Damn it!" He yelled.

"Buckman!" His coach found him and is not too thrilled right now. "Fifty push-ups, now!"

"But coach."

"You want to make it one hundred?! Buckman shook his head. "Good, now go! Hop to three four! Hop to three four!"

Christian and Jason exited the closet and stretched their limbs out.

"You are my life savior." Christian told Jason

"Whatever. Oh!" Christian is hugging him happily not noticing the blush forming on Jason's cheeks.

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