Pearl Prince 4

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"Cole, wait!" Laura swam after him as her royal peers watch the scene with wide eyes. Cole dodged whales, turtles, dolphins, and tons of fish. Skipper is swimming with no care in the world when Cole hugged him tightly from behind. "Skipper!" The eel hissed and electricity surged through his body. "Yow." Cole let go, and Skipper is swimming away smirking.

"Wait." Cole swam in front of him to block his path. "Where are you going? We're family, so we need to stick together." Skipper gave him the stink eye.

"Cole!" Laura and Bubbles caught up to them. "You shouldn't be swimming up here. It's too dangerous." She scolded. Bubbles squeaked at Cole angrily when Skipper popped out of nowhere and spooked him.

Bubbles squeaked and swam in Laura's arms shaking. "What is that?" Laura scrunched her face in disgust.

Cole smiled as Skipper slithered around him with a wicked grin on his eel face. "This is Skipper. He's my auntie's pet."

"It's ugly." She covered her mouth a second too late.

Cole gasped. "That's so mean. All sea creatures are beautiful in their own way."

Laura looked at him feeling guilt. "I'm sorry Cole, but that thing gives me the heebie-jeebies."

Cole frowned. Skipper just kept slithering around Cole. "He's not a thing; he's an eel." He scratched under the eel's chin. "Don't listen to her; you're perfect just the way you are."

Skipper purred with the attention, but eyed Bubbles like he's his next dinner. Sirens are ringing loudly throughout the city. "What's going on?" Cole asked as he held Skipper tightly.

"Emergency alarm. Something big is happening. C'mon, we gotta meet at the castle to see what's going on."

Laura and Cole rushed to the castle with the rest of the city's population. When they got there, it's packed with mermaid folk to the brim. "Ugg. I feel like a sardine." Laura gritted as she tried squeezing her way through the crowd.

"Laura!" her mom called out.

"Mom!" she rushed to her and she hugged her in relief.

Laura's father entered the room. "Everyone!" the crowd grew silent. "Thank you all for coming. Danger is coming to our beloved city. As you all have witnessed, sea creatures are migrating in one direction, so we sent a few mermaids to investigate. And what they saw is shocking. There's a mysterious ink that's causing everybody breathing problems underwater and a few mermen were discovered dead a few miles from here."

The crowd is murmuring among each other. The king held his hands out. "Please remain calm! We shall figure out a way to neutralize this threat, but for now, we must evacuate our home in order to survive. Pack what is necessary and follow our officers to the nearest kingdom from us. Thank you."

Everyone is rushing out to do as ordered. Laura is looking for any signs of Cole in the crowd and spotted him. She waved and called him and he made his way over her.

"I'm afraid we'll have to hold off on searching for your Aunt." Cole frowned and she held his hand. "I'm sure she's okay."

Cole nodded. Laura's parents and royal peers is watching them before looking at each other. "Laura honey." they turned to look at the queen. "We must get ready to head out."

Cole's eyes widened. "Where am I going to go?"

Before Laura can say he can ride with her, Jeff approached them. "You will be riding with me."

"Oh." Laura sounded disappointed.

Cole smiled at her reassuringly. "Don't worry. We'll see each other when we get to the other kingdom."

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