Were-Vamp 8

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In the evening, Christian plopped on the bed. "I'm definitely going to starve to death here." his stomach growled loudly. "Shut it. Not helping." he snapped at his belly. "Great, I'm arguing with my stomach."

John hovered over him and made him jump and scream. "Jesus. You scared me."

John narrowed his eyes at him. "What?" Christian asked then realized what he said. "Oh right. Sorry. I forget not to use the G and the J word around here. What's up?"

John took out a bundled napkin and unfolded it. Christian's mouth watered when his eldest brother handed him a piece of steak. "You saved this just for me?" he nodded and Christian hugged him. "Thank you. Thank you." He took a big bite and is glowing as he happily ate his bit of food.

When Christian finished, he noticed John disappeared. "Where did he go? John." he checked underneath the bed. "John." he peeked outside and sees no one in the hall. "Hm."

That's when he hears a creaking sound making him bristle before seeing a hand pop out of the wall where a hidden closet is located and waved at him. "Ah!" he screamed loudly.

Downstairs, his family are happily going about their business when they heard Christian. "Shall we check on him?" Sarah asked.

"Not necessary." Calvin said. "John is keeping him company."

Sarah gave them a look. "Does Christian know that?"

Everyone looked at Ashley and she smirked. "Oops. I may have forgotten to mention it to him." she flicked her wrist. "Don't look at me like that. John is an excellent roommate, I'm sure he and Christian are having the time of their lives." She said as the sound of footsteps running can be heard.

The next morning, Christian is out in the woods with Sarah and the Werewolf half of the family.

"Alright." Jesse said. "Since it's both your first time hunting, how about starting with something small? Like squirrels."

Christian looked ahead and spotted a squirrel on the ground eating grass.

"Awe." He cooed. Then one of his nieces came and snatched it with her jaws. "Awe." he said sadly this time.

Jesse looked at him concerned. "Will you be okay? Hunting isn't for everyone. The vampire half of the family normally doesn't hunt."

Sarah huffed. "I'm here to support our brother. Plus, I get the feeling that Roger and Jacob will give him a hard time." she patted Christian's shoulder proudly. "Besides, he is more werewolf than vampire."

Jesse looked at him thoughtfully as Roger scowled from behind her. "I don't see it. There's the wolf and the prey. And he looks like prey. Probably can't kill anything."

Jacob approached and ruffled Christian's hair. "Don't underestimate this one. He's killed humans, so I'm sure he'll get the hang of it."

Christian looks sad. "It was under a different conscious."

Roger blew through his mouth. "You, kill a human? Don't make me laugh. I'm joining Bryan. See you dorks later."

Jesse looked at Christian unsure but smiled tenderly. "Let's see what you can do." Christian gulped.

A few hours will pass and everyone but Christian caught something. Jesse looked at Sarah impressed. "You and the others should join us sometime. Your shape-shifting ability came in handy." She looked at a teary Christian sitting underneath a tree. "Don't be discouraged. Everyone has their good and bad days." she tried assuring him, but remembering all the failed attempts he had throughout the day.

Roger and Bryan walked by with a couple of deer in their arms and Roger looked at Christian like he's a disgrace. Christian is ready to cry.

"Let's go." Sarah said.

Christian looked at her. "I think I'm going to sit here for a second, but I'll catch up."

She nodded in understanding. "Okay. But if you aren't back in half an hour I'm dragging your sorry butt back home." Christian pouted making her laugh before she and the others left.

Christian sighed sadly when they were gone when he heard ruffling and sees another squirrel. "I can't hunt you." he told it. "You're too cute and it doesn't seem right." It is ignoring him and cleaning its paws. He sighed again as he looked up the tree. "I guess I'm not meant to hunt."

He didn't see the squirrel's ears perk up before dashing away and the sound of a twig caught his attention. When he looked at the source of the sound, he screamed loud enough for the others to hear.

"Oh boy. What has he gotten himself into?" Jacob asked.

Sarah exhaled. "He probably got stuck somewhere or got attacked by an army of squirrels."

That made Roger laugh. "Hey, it's Christian. Anything could happen." she said.

That's when they hear the sound of a large cat. "My baby!" Tracy rushed ahead with the others close behind.

When they get there, they see a brown bat flapping around with a cougar chasing after it.

Roger is sniggering until the others glared at him. "What?" he said.

Much to their horror, the cougar climbed up the tree and swallowed the bat whole.

Tracy felt light-headed then fainted. "Mom!" Sarah is checking her.

Jacob handed Jesse the carcass he has. "Nobody eats my brother and gets away with it."

As he was stomping over the cougar whined in pain for a moment before collapsing.

Everyone looked at it with wide eyes. "What just happened?" Bryan asked what everyone is thinking.

That's when the cougar's mouth opened and the bat freed itself and transformed. Christian stood there trying to wipe the slobber off himself with blood on his lips.

"Christian!" everyone ran to his side and Roger looked back and forth between him and the cougar.

"Impossible." he said when Jacob put his hand on his shoulder.

"Told you not to underestimate him. Well, at least we don't have to worry about draining the blood on this one. I wonder where he bit to drink." He shrugged before picking it up and presenting it to Christian. "Here you go bro. You earned it." Christian jumped before hesitantly holding it, and everyone congratulated him on a job well done.

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