"Miss. Yaxley!" He shouts.

I pause in the middle of the crowded hallway a total disregard for those trying to get to class on time.

"Yes? Can I help you?" I say.

"Here, come to dinner this Friday night with the rest of the Slug club," he says smiling, straightening out his jacket before handing me an elegant envelope that makes me want to rip it in half with its perfect simplicity.

"No thanks," I say and hand it back turning away and walking back down the hall.

"MISS. YAXLEY! PLEASE WAIT!" He calls through the halls.

I get annoyed at his persistence and decide that the only way I was going to get rid of this old man was by standing in the middle of the crowded hallway yet again.

"I was a friend of your mother Esme..." He says breathlessly. "I was her professor as well...she was particularly gifted in charms and potions..."

"You knew my mother," I say my heart palpitating.

He nods.

"Please...I'll make you a deal...I will tell you anything that you need to know about your mother if you come to the dinner," He says holding out the envelope yet again.

"Fine..." I say.

"Wonderful! I will see you then!!" He says clapping his hands and leaving me where I was the halls now thinned out.

The bell rings and I know that I was late for Transfiguration and Professor McGonagall was going to have a fit.


That night I walked to my dorm room feeling extremely worn out with my fake smile appeasing everyone aside from myself and Draco.

I sit now head in my hands on the edge of my bed and collapse onto the comforter warmed from heating pans that I had just taken out.

Something crumples under the pressure of my head and I sit back up automatically turning to see what it was.

A letter sits, addressed to me.

"Somethings off with you and we need to talk about it...meet me in the Astronomy tower at midnight tonight after prefect patrol."

I sigh, knowing that even if there was no sign that it was Hermione.

I take the letter to raging green throwing it in and watch it disintegrate the smoke wafting to me the smell of burnt paper reminding me of death.

I decided that even though it was the worst decision that I have ever made...I was going to go to the Astronomy tower.


She sits there her face flushed and worried as I took my usual seat beside her.

"What do you want?" I ask cruelly even though it kills me.

Hermione looks at me her eyes glittering with tears that were threatening to tip over at any moment.

"Tell me what going on Y/N!" She pleads with me.

"I can't do that," I say coldly.


"Because it isn't any of your business," I shrug.

"It's killing you Y/N! I can see it in your face!" She says gripping my hand.

"Hermione...I don't have the freedom to tell you anything," I say nonchalantly.

"I don't understand Y/N," She says looking extremely confused. "Why?"

"That's because Freedom...comes at a price...a price that I'm not willing to allow you to pay."

Word Count: 1210

A/N: Alright so I've had an epiphany and I realized that I'm most likely not going to finish this by the time that school starts because I have a Volleyball game the first day back and then I have practice every single day except for Saturday and Sunday which I'm probably going to get with the girls and practice more? Kill me.


I just wanted to post another chapter before my idiotic mind went to shit...anyways Byees for today?

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