Out of all the people Caleb had tried to date or court, no one compared to his savior. Most people had never shared the fascination of the ocean like him. No princess claimed they would never set sail or touch a ship given the chance. Those qualities didn't seem to appear on Caleb's mystery person. And he could tell from just from the voice.

"I can sense their laughter
In the ripple of the waves against the shoreline
I can see them smiling
In the moonlight as it settles on the sand
I can feel them waiting
Just beyond the pale horizon
Singing out a melody to lovely to withstand"

Caleb closed his eyes and dreamt of them. They were still out there, possibly beneath the waves. He could sense it. He pictured many images in his head: the way they laughed, the smile that made Caleb's heart fluttered, the feeling of their hands when they touched their face and how their song for him took his breath away.

"And their voice
It's there as dusk is falling
And their voice
It's there as dawn steals by
Pure and bright, it's always near
All day, all night
And still I hear it calling...
Their voice"

Caleb didn't care if took forever. He wanted to find them. He had to find them. To just see whoever saved him from a watery death, hold them, and be together with them.

"Strange as a dream...
Real as the sea
If you can hear me now
Come set me free
Come set me free!"

"Ah... ah... ah... ah..." Caleb began to search frantically upon hearing the tune. His savior was out there. The melody began to take a softer tone, like it was leaving. And Caleb didn't want it to. "Wait, please! Don't leave! I need to see you! I want to thank you!"

The prince began to ran towards where the voice originated from only to hear it submerge within the water. Caleb became disappointed but his spirit wasn't one to give up. They were out there. His efforts would one day pay off.

"If you're out there listening, hear this," Caleb promised, "I will find you. You don't need to be afraid. I'll wait for you." The prince waited for a response, only to receive none. He turned his attention back to his mansion, heading home for the day.

Josh paced back and forth, anxiously thinking of what to say.

It was the first week as Seth's caretaker and he was supposed to talk to Poseidon about his updates. Of course, the king had picked up on Seth's romantic behavior. Heck, the whole kingdom knew Seth was enamored by someone. The merman had been behaving himself for the most part. But him saving a human was information the crustacean did not want to share with someone who controls the sea.

"Okay, this is fine. Everything is going well. Poseidon doesn't know. But's he is getting suspicious. Maybe I'm overreacting. Or maybe I'm not overreacting enough!" Josh ranted to himself.

If only he had never said anything about Seth having a chaperone. Josh wouldn't be freaking out about his knowledge.

Seth, meanwhile, was busy on a rock above Josh, his right hand on his head as his left was idly picking a flower by its petals, playing "He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not."

"He loves me," Seth cheerfully said on his third to last petal, "he loves me not," with a bitter tone, thinking it was ridiculous. He reached the final petal and became ecstatic, "He loves me! I knew it!" Seth became giddy, clutching the last petal to his chest as if it was Caleb's heart.

"Seth, you're talking crazy!" Josh shouted in frustration but it fell deaf to the merman's ears.

"Oh just think me and him!" Seth said as he began to create little water silhouettes with his Atlantean magic of him and Caleb spinning around with a heart.

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