13: She's My Daughter

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@Username2: When will you share a picture of your baby @Isabella?

@Username3: Will you be sharing her name soon? @IanSomerhalder @Isabella

@KatGraham: So glad you had a good day! Sad I missed it :(

^@ClaireHolt: Next time! Miss Amelia and Elle can go do their three-year-old thing together

@Nina: Sad I missed my nieces first trip to the zoo! 



Indie was sat on the bed playing with her toys whilst I was in a text argument with Ian. I said I'd get Chris to drop Indie to him, but he said no. He wanted me to. But I don't want to see him and I don't want to stop him from seeing his daughter. And he should want to see her enough to get over the part where I wasn't going to be interacting with him. But he was so hung up on it. 

He kept trying to call me but I wasn't ready to hear his voice. His voice made me feel physically sick because no matter what he say's alls I can hear is his confession, him telling me Nikki was having a baby... His baby. I wasn't ready to forgive him for that yet. I don't think I'll be ready for a while. 

"Shall we get you to bed little miss?" I asked Indie and she looked at me with one of her teething rings in her mouth. Her big blue eyes were electric with innocents, she was oblivious to the whole crazy situation. I wish I was too. If he didn't tell me we could have moved past it, got on with our lives as if it never happened. But now I have to live with the fact I wasn't enough for him...And I hated that thought. It was eating me up alive. What could I have done differently to not make him pull away from me and turn to another woman for comfort? What could I have said, or done? I never felt insecure in our relationship. I always trusted him. I never doubted him, or the love he expressed for me. But now I'm questioning everything. Every moment, every detail, was it all fake? Was he miserable? Did he even still love me? 

We were happy two years ago. We were happy. We were filming for TVD. We were travelling the world. Then we found out we were having Indie and I don't think I could have been any happier. Ian seemed so pleased like he had just won the lottery. In our eyes we had, we got our beautiful amazing baby. Ian was there 100%, He loved me. 

Now we're staying in separate houses, both miserable and our baby has to deal with the fact her parents might not be together when she grows up. I didn't want that for her. I wanted her to have the life I had, with both loving parents in the home, I didn't want this for her. But it would probably do more damage to her if Ian and I stayed together. 

We'd have his other child in our house on weekends. How was I meant to care for someone else children knowing that they were the result of my husband's adultery? I don't think I could do that. So for now it was best we have separate things in life. 



Isabella Somerhalder was spotted out with Friend and former cast member Claire Holt and their children this past weekend at the zoo. Her Husband along with her wedding ring was nowhere to be seen. Is this the end of E-A-Bella? 

People were already noticing her not wearing her ring. I sat looking at the rings that were between my fingers. When I found these in the safe my heart dropped to my stomach. I knew she was upset, furious hurt but it never crossed my mind she'd leave. She's always been there for me. Supported me through every mistake I've made, she's always been accommodating and understanding. Though this mistake was past her being understanding... I don't blame her for leaving. I hate myself for hurting her. For making her feel so small. I hate myself so much.

Through The Len's Part TwoTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang