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The next day came, the day Emma was due to leave. Regina was in her room, getting her jacket and the dog lead to go for a walk. Rita walked in without bothering to knock, looking half confused, half annoyed.

"What" Regina asked in a snappy tone, being in a bad mood due to the day.

"You know what. Regina, you are going to regret this forever if you don't come and say goodbye. Emma is about to leave and she's never coming back, you can't just not see her. You promised me you'd give this happy ending, after all you've been through" Rita softly replied, easily able to see the pain in her sisters eyes.

"I'm not strong enough to say goodbye to her" Regina said in a cracked voice, looking up to reveal her glassy eyes.

"Then we will do it together" Rita simply said, holding her hand out to her older sister.

Regina just looked at her, trying to force herself to go. She knew Rita was right, she knew she'd regret it, but she just couldn't imagine saying goodbye to Emma. Eventually she took her sisters hand, wiping a single tear away as they walked into the back room. Marco and Emma were stood there, hugging each other as tight as they could. The young boy had a few tears down his face, fighting so hard to stop himself from sobbing.

"You're going to be ok, kid, I promise" Emma said in a teary voice, rubbing the boys back to keep him calm. She pulled away to see his face, holding it in her hands. At the sight of his face, her eyes glasses up to make her vision blurry. "I love you so much and I'm unbelievably proud of who you have become. No matter how far away we are, I will always be with you"

"I love you too, mum" Marco forced out, his voice hard to understand due to his cries.

Emma pulled him closer to her, kissing his head softly as she did. This is when she finally let her tears out, hating for the boy to see her cry. When she opened her eyes, she caught sight of Regina watching. Emma just looked shocked as she'd not expected Regina to come say goodbye.

"You came" Emma questioned, causing her son to look at who she was talking to.

"I wasn't going to" Regina admitted, trying not to show she had teary eyes.

Marco stepped out his mother's arms and moved to the side, gesturing for the brunette to go to her. Emma held her arms out sightly, promoting Regina to hurry into them. The pair both took a deep breath as their bodies collided, holding on tighter than they knew possible; this caused them both to break in the others arms. Their hearts broke a little inside, neither having felt pain like it. Emma pulled away to rest her head on Regina's, both trying not to look at the others tears.

"I'm-" Emma tried to say, her shaky voice cutting herself off.

"I know" Regina whispered, sniffling to try stop herself from crying.

"I love you... I really do"

"I love you too"

"I'm sorry"

Regina finally connected their lips together, holding the blonde close to her face. It only deepened for a few seconds before she pulled away, instantly walking back to her room. She couldn't handle it anymore, her heart just hurt too much. She slammed the door shut and collapsed against it, finally crying aloud to herself. She wanted to move away but she physically couldn't, all she could do was cry. It took awhile before Regina made her way to the bed, no longer sobbing but still crying into her pillow. Her door knocked quietly, causing her to burry her head more.

"Go away, Rita! I just want to be alone, please!" Regina shouted out, knowing her sister should have guessed this.

"Mum, it's me. Please, let me in" Marco sobbed from outside the door, having to use the frame to hold him up. At the sound of the voice, Regina practically jumped out of bed and run to open the door. Without a second passing, Regina embraced the young boy into her arms and held him close to her, listening to the sobs that came with it. "She's gone, mum, she really left"

"I know, sweet heart, I'm so sorry" Regina softly replied, her tears once again coming back. "Come on, come lie down with me"

She guided him to the bed and led down, cuddling her son as close to her as she could. He buried his head into her neck and cried, having always known this moment would hurt the most. Regina just soothed the boy and tried to stay as calm as she could, forcing herself not to cry. Two hours had passed before the pair were stable enough to get up, both still emotional. Marco rubbed his tired eyes as he yawned, exhausted from all of this. It was about 8:30 and the bar was due to be closing early today, Sundays they always do. 

"I'm going to go upstairs and have an early night" Marco said in a sad voice, knowing he just wants this day to end.

"I'm going out front to do the clear down, Rita offered but I need to do something to clear my mind. I won't be long so you're welcome to stay here tonight if you don't want to be alone" Regina offered, unsure whether the boy would want to be with someone or not.

"It's ok, I think being alone is best right now" Marco replied, climbing out of the bed and stretching.

"Alright, as long as you're sure" Regina softly said, rubbing his shoulder with a reassuring smile.

"I'm sure, thank you"

The pair walked out together and went their separate ways. Regina became wiping the counter tops down, tearing bubbling in her eyes but not falling yet. Rita had already closed the bar and assisted everyone out, having gone to get out her sticky work clothes. A knock on the entrance door was heard, causing the brunette to sigh.

"We're closed" Regina shouted out, not feeling the need to look round. The knock came again, this time a little louder. "I was we're-" Regina started, spinning round to see who was there; Emma Swan stood with a sad expression on her face. Regina's mouth dropped at the sight of her, blinking a few times to check she was actually there. She slowly walked over to the door, unlocking it before pushing it open. "What are you... Why are... What"

Emma just looked at Regina, tears stained down her face. She placed her hands on the brunettes cheeks and pulled her close, crashing their lips together. Regina sighed in relief at the feeling, having never wanted something more. Before it deepened, the blonde pulled away and just looked into her eyes.

"Will you marry me" Emma asked in an almost whisper, giving a weak smile to show her nerves.

"Are you serious?"

"More serious than I've ever been"

"Emma, I-" Regina started, pausing as she was in so much shock. "You left, what happened to the plan?"

"I need you. Will you marry me, Regina" Emma asked again, showing how desperate she was to have the brunette.

"Yes" Regina whispered, tearing up at the fact the blonde was actually back.

Emma smiled and released a few more tears, crashing their lips together once again. Regina deepened the kiss as she moved closer, not letting her go. Emma slid her hands down to the brunettes legs and picked her up, heading straight to Regina's bedroom.

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