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It's later that evening, Emma was sat at the bar with a glass of whiskey. By now she was very drunk, having used it to get rid of her problems. Regina had finished work before this and headed out, not wanting to be around Emma after there conversation.

"Rita, can I have another please" Emma asked tiredly, pushing the glass towards the woman.

"Of course. I feel like I should cut you off but I can't remember if Regina said to never do that or to do it" Rita replied with a laugh, knowing she doesn't pay much attention.

Rita wasn't the brightest of the Mills siblings. She was the kind of girl who loved shopping and girly things, living a life as if a luxury. She picked up the glass and filled it back up, sliding it back to the blonde.

"Thank you"

"So, where's Marco"

"He's out with an old friend from when we use to live here, he didn't say who" Emma replied, knowing her son doesn't like being asked too many questions.

"It's nice he's settled in already" Rita said with a smile, resting a cloth down to lean on the sticky side without getting dirty. Emma smiled and nodded in agreement, knowing that's all she ever wanted. "He said you're going to try and visit once or twice a year. Is that true"

Emma just glanced up at the brunette, her eyes easily saying no. She shook her head and looked down, hating this topic. Rita knew the blonde wouldn't be able to visit, she remembered how much she traveled with the boys.

"I can't visit, not ever. I need him safe and that's only going to happen if I'm not here" Emma hesitantly replied, keeping her drunk eyes inside the glass.

"Wait, you plan on never seeing him again" Rita quickly asked, hoping the boy would go see her.

"Exactly that... Not unless this all stops" Emma simply said, not wanting to tear up in front of anyone. She took a large gulp of her drink, allowing it to numb her pain a little more. "What time is it"

"Nearing mid night, I'm doing last call soon but I don't mind you staying for an extra half hour" Rita softly replied, seeing the blonde needed this.

"You know you're not meant to, right" Emma asked with a laugh, knowing the woman still doesn't know how to do her job.

"I've heard all the stories, I know Regina would let you drink even when we were closed" Rita said, chuckling as she knew she had an excuse ready. Emma laughed as she lifted the drink up, downing the rest of it. As she placed it down, Rita already began filling it up. "This one is on me"

"Thank you" Emma said with a weak smile, hating that the brunette is pitying her.

"You still love her, don't you" Rita softly asked, seeing all the pain and hurt on the blonde woman.

"It's been three years and I still cry myself to sleep, just praying that I wake up and she's there" Emma drunkly replied, feeling her heart hurting in her chest. "I love her... And she hates me"

"Regina doesn't hate you, she's just scared" Rita simply said, giving a reassuring smile as she knew the truth.

"Whatever you say"

"Last call!"

"A little early for last call" Regina said with a chuckle, walking around the bar; she didn't dare look at Emma. She glanced around the building to see how it looked, giving a smile to her younger sister. "Apart from that, looks like you've done a good job. Well done"

"Thanks" Rita said with a big smile, having never been allowed to do a close before.

"I'm going to go out back and change. Once you've closed and everyone has left, I'll come help clean" Regina said with a proud look upon her face, her eyes the only give away that she was drunk.

"No, you're not" Rita quickly said, catching the woman's arm. Regina raised an eyebrow at her sister, questioning why she was stopped. "You are going to take Emma out ba-"

"Absolutely not" Regina cut in, shrugging her sisters grip off her arm.

"Let me finish! You're going to take Emma out back and talk, just like you told me you wanted to" Rita sternly informed, remembering what the brunette said earlier that day.

"That is the last time I tell you anything" Regina huffed, burning holes into her younger sisters eyes. She sighed dramatically as she looked at Emma, seeing the desperate stare. "I'm too drunk for this tonight"

"It's ok, so am I"

"Ugh! Fine, get out here!" Regina growled in annoyance, leading the way out back.

Emma quickly followed behind, noticing the brunette didn't hold the door for her this time. She went out back to see Regina unlocking her door, stepping inside. Emma headed for the same place, walking into the room and closing the door. As she turned back, she felt her body pressed against the door. Within the same second, Regina's lips were crashed into Emma's. The kiss instantly deepened thanks to the brunette, both unable to loosen their tight grip. Emma then quickly broke the kiss, moving away when Regina leaned back in.

"Don't, you know you don't want this" Emma softly said, hating that she actually stopped this.

"No, I do" Regina quickly replied, trying to pull the blonde back into a kiss.

"You don't, you don't even forgive me" Emma sighed, keeping her head turned away from the brunette.

"Well, just because I don't want to forgive you, doesn't mean I don't want to sleep with you. Just like old times, Swan, getting drunk and hooking up" Regina said with a smirk, curling her fingers around the blondes jacket. Emma moved away again, finally annoying the brunette. "Why do you keep moving"

"Because you are going to wake up in the morning and feel like shit for this, you'll end up avoiding me" Emma said with a sad look upon her face, knowing how much she wants the other woman.

"I was going to avoid you anyway, why not have some fun while we're drunk" Regina said with a chuckle, knowing it was true.

"Why don't you forgive me"


"What" Emma breathed out, so much shock at the words just said.

"If I forgive you, I won't have a reason to hate you anymore. This hate is the only thing that is stopping me from falling back in love, I will not do that to myself again. You don't know how much you actually hurt me... And yet, I still can't get over you" Regina admitted, starting off angry but growing softer and more pain filled. Emma just looked at the woman, a mix of shock and hurt on her face. Regina sighed in exhaustion as she locked eyes with the blonde, to drunk to care about her admitting a secret. "We can give into temptation for one night, call it closure if you will"

"Gina, I-" Emma started, being cut off by the brunettes lips against hers.

As the two drunk women deepened the kiss, their bodies held each other closer than close. Both knew they'd regret this in the morning but neither could overcome the temptation or desire for the other woman.

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