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Regina opened the back door and allowed Marco to go in, following him in behind. They went over to the sofa and sat down beside the other. Regina decided to take her break now and talk to Marco, she'd honestly missed him so much. She'd missed his mother but she's never admit that.

"So, why are you both back? I know you don't move to places twice" Regina asked with slight confusion, wanting to know if it was just a visit.

"I'm turning 18 in two weeks and moving here. The plan was always for me to move somewhere away from mum once I'm 18, she wants me safe and out of all this mess. I've always been against the idea but I know she can't handle traveling with the risk of me getting hurt, especially not after what happened with you guys" Marco replied with half a smile, knowing he's not happy about the plan.

"I think I remember her telling me this before. So you chose here" Regina asked, unable to stop the small smile on her face.

"Of course. This is the only place that felt like home and, in all honesty, I missed you so much" Marco replied with a chuckle, having planned to move here for the past two years.

"I missed you too, my baby. I can't believe you're 18 in two weeks, who told you that you could grow up" Regina said with a giggle, fixing his hair with her hands. Marco chuckled in agreement, allowing the brunette to play with his hair. Regina then let her smile drop a little as she moved her hands, turning away to ask her dreaded question. "How long is your mum here"

"She leaves the day after my birthday" Marco softly replied, already seeing the hurt on the brunettes face just thinking about it. He placed his hand on Regina's shoulder and rubbed his thumb gently, trying to comfort her. "She's not a bad person, she was just scared for you and didn't want you hurt. I know she still cares for you, she thinks about you every day"

Regina listened to the words but couldn't respond to them, she had nothing to say. Emma hurt her in a way she knew she should have seen coming. She just sat up and looked at the young blonde, giving a smile to shake off the conversation.

"Where are you staying" Regina asked, changing the subject to stop herself from crying. "I'd offer you your old place but someone just started renting it and is moving in today I think"

"That's actually me, I'm Mrs Grossman. Well actually mum is as she's the one paying for it for the next few months. We gave a fake name in case He saw or in case you weren't happy with both of us" Marco replied with a laugh, seeing the slight shock on her face.

"Whoa, I didn't see that coming, I'll give you that. If I'd known it was you, if have dropped the price a lot more. I'll knock off 50% for you" Regina said, laughing a little in shock at this.

"Wait, seriously? You don't have to do that" Marco quickly said, surprised at such a huge offer.

"Of course, it's you" Regina chuckled, knowing she'd do so much for him with how strong her love is.

"Thank you so much" Marco said with a huge smile, hugging the woman in a tight embrace.

"You're welcome" Regina added, cradling the boys head to keep him close. Then a thought hit her, one she'd wished wasn't true. "So, if you're staying here, I take it your mum is staying here for 2 weeks as well"

"Yeah, it's that or her car" Marco replied awkwardly, pulling away to see the brunette.

"Her cars not that small" Regina said in a sassy tone, knowing she's still very angry. Marco raised an eyebrow at her for suggesting such a thing. "Fine, she can stay but she is to avoid me at all costs, understood"

"Understood. Thank you, Gina"

"I'm serious, sweetie. If I'm working, she's not allowed to come to the bar or talk to me or anything. She may only sit for a drink as long as I'm not working" Regina instructed, knowing she couldn't handle seeing the blonde again.

"I'll tell her. I should get out and start helping with the bags, she's probably done unpacking now" Marco replied with a smile, standing up from the sofa.

"Here, I actually have the key on me" Regina said, pulling it out her pocket and handing it to the boy.

"Thanks... I mean for everything, thank you" Marco softly said, smiling happily at the woman he'd missed truly.

"It's my pleasure, anything to see you happy again" Regina replied, hugging the taller boy with a huge smile again.

She could not express the love she felt for him, she'd do anything to protect him. As they hugged, the door to the bar opened. They pulled away to see Rita stood there with a concerned look on her face. Marco instantly stumbled away in fear, holding his fits in defense.

"What is she doing here" he worriedly asked, seeing no reaction from the brunette.

"She was never apart of anything. Rita came and found me about two months after it all, she works here now" Regina softly said, resting her hand on the boys shoulder to calm him.

"I'll found out who this is later. Gina, one of the girls just dropped a whole tray of glasses and smashed them in the kitchen" Rita informed, too busy to make conversation with the young blonde.

"Oh shit! Alright, I'm coming" Regina sighed, knowing being the only manager is tougher than partners, especially when your old partner was Reina. Regina turned to Marco with a hurried smile, opening the door for him. "I have to go sort that out but we will definitely catch up soon, ok"

"Sounds good. I'll see you later" Marco smiled, heading out the door and towards the bar exit. He saw Emma had unloaded all the bags from the trunk and was now just sat inside, staring at the floor. He walked over to catch her attention, causing her to stand and fake smile for him. "Hey, you were gone awhile"

"Sorry, we were talking. She said you can stay with me for the two weeks and go in the bar only when she isn't there, she said you have to avoid her at all costs" Marco informed, knowing the brunette would kill her for not saying it.

"I could have seen that coming" Emma said with a weak smile, standing up to help her son.

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