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Emma stumbled into her apartment, so drunk that it was hard to stand. She crashed into the wall beside the door, creating a large thump. Emma pushed off it and glared at it, looking as if it was the walls fault.

"Sshh, don't be so loud. Margot is asleep" Emma huffed, slapping the wall with her hand.

"Ma, what is all the noise" Margot said, walking out of the room in confusion. Her long hair was cut into a boyish cut and she wore a sports bra and shorts to bed, at this point she hadn't come out as transgender. She looked at the state of her mother, seeing she was once again drunk. "Come on, let's get you to bed"

"Hang on, I need a glass of water" Emma mumbled her response, trying to walk down the hall.

Margot just looked upset at her mother, having witnessed this for the last year since they left Regina; she knew this was all because of that. Margot went into her mother's bedroom and helped move the covers for her, knowing she needs all the help she can get. When she went into the kitchen, she saw her mother's body rested across the island in a sobbing fit.

"Oh, mum" Margot softly said, walking over to help comfort the woman.

"No, don't, I can't let you see me cry" Emma quickly said, her voice cracked and shaky from her cries.

"Just let me hug you at least" Margot sighed, trying to lift her mother's face from the island.

"No. I'm sorry I woke you, go back to bed" Emma requested, too drunk for her mother voice to be put on.

Margot heard the loud cry that left her mother, seeing her whole body tense and stress. She wrapped her arms around Emma's upper body and leaned above it, comforting in the best way she knew how. Emma just allowed herself to cry more, all her pain making it impossible to stop.

"I know, I miss her too" Margot softly said, rubbing the back of her mother to help sooth.

"I can't stop, I can't get over her. Why is this happening" Emma cried, unable to understand why she still can't get over the brunette.

"Why don't we go back" Margot suggested, lifting off her mother in hope she'd sit up.

"We can't, kid, it's too risky" Emma sighed, knowing there's a reason they never go anywhere twice.

"But he won't think we'd go anywhere twice, let alone there" Margot quickly said, trying to find any plan to get them back.

"On the chance he would, we'd risk putting her into more danger than before. The whole reason we left was to keep her safe and alive" Emma replied, still not daring to lift her head up.

"Yeah, I know. I just miss her... And Reina" Margot sighed softly, thinking about her memories with the Mills sisters.

"Me too, me fucking too" Emma added, sniffling a little to help her stop crying. She then heard the badly covered up yawn from her daughter, knowing it's very late for her. "Go to bed, kid, I'll be fine"

"No, mum, you're led across the island and crying" Margot quickly said, reaching to hold her mother's hand.

Emma stood up, faced away from the young blonde and wiped her tears from her face. As she looked back to her, her nose and eyes were red from the sobs. She quickly pulled Margot into her arms and held her close, using it to help hide her face more. The pair held each other close, using the other as their comfort.

"I love you so much, kid, I don't know what I'd do without you" Emma softly said, keeping the young blonde as close as she could.

"I love you too, mum. Ride or die, remember"

"Ride or die"

"It's going to be ok" Margot said in a reassuring voice, slowly pulling out their hug.

"I know, we have each other so it will always be ok" Emma said with a chuckle, ruffling the short locks. She looked into the blue eyes in front, knowing she'll always have someone who loves her. "By the way, I know"

"You know what" Margot asked with slight confusion, growing her brows to show her emotion.

"Everything, I know... Son" Emma said with a smile, holding her kids face in her hand. Margot's eyes instantly teared up, a wave of relief over her. She rushed into another hug with her mother, holding her as close as she could. "We'll disguss it when I'm sober, go to bed, kid"

"I love you so much, mum"

"I love you too, go sleep"

Emma smiled as she watched her kid leave, knowing she will protect and accept him. She then stumbled towards her own room, practically falling onto the bed. She wasn't tired but she couldn't stand anymore. Emma grabbed her phone from her pocket and typed in Regina's number, having it memories still. She didn't know what she was doing but her drunken mind was telling her this was a good thing. She put the phone to her ear and allowed it to ring, growing more scared the more it rang. She then answered.

"Hello, Regina Mills speaking" Regina answered, sounding exhausted from her tough shift that night. Emma froze, unable to speak or even move for that matter. "Hello? Anyone there" Regina asked with a huff, showing she wasn't in the mood. Emma felt her eyes tearing up, sniffling to help keep it in. Because of this, her breathing became a little loud. "Is this who I think it is" Regina asked, her heart stopping at the sound of the sniffle. Emma kept quiet, allowing her breathing to be the only sound. "Em... Is that you"

As she heard those whispered words, Emma hung up the phone. She didn't mean to her, she wasn't thinking clearly. Emma began to cry once again, rolling over to bury her head in the pillow. This allowed her to sob louder without waking her child, wanting it hidden. Emma's heart chipped another little bit, leaving her to wonder if any of it was left.

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