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Emma was driving down the street, her grip on the wheel so tight that it may break. A hand rested on her shoulder, snapping her from the intense thoughts. Emma glanced across at her, now, son who was giving her a reassuring look.

"Hmm, did you say something, Marco" Emma asked with a slightly confused face, unsure if she missed something.

"No, you just look very intense" Marco replied in his almost deep voice, showing concern for his mother.

"Sorry, I'm nervous" Emma sighed in exhaustion, having been driving and thinking for hours.

"I'd say it's going to be fine but it's Regina, it's not going to be fine" Marco said with a small chuckle, wanting to help but knowing the truth.

"Thanks for that" Emma laughed, rolling her eyes at her son's attempt.

"Sorry but it's true, she won't be happy to see us... though she'll have a shock when she sees me" Marco said with a slight nervous tone, knowing it's been worrying him for awhile.

"What do you mean" Emma asked a little confused, glancing across to see. Marco gestured to his body as if it was obvious. "Oh, kid, don't worry about that, you know Regina will accept it"

"I know but we move around so much, your the only person who actually knows I'm trans; I've never had to come out to anyone because they didn't know or need to know" Marco explained, knowing he never meets the same people twice.

"You're going to be fine, kid, I promise" Emma said with a reassuring smile, reaching out to hold her son's hand. Marco smiled at her, feeling a little better about this. Emma looked back at the road and saw the Royals sign hanging  above the bar she remembered all too well. "We're here"

"How are we doing this" Marco asked, glancing across at his mother for the answer.

"I'll go in first. If she freaks, which she will, you can go and do it" Emma replied, knowing she should be the one to talk to her first.

"Good luck" Marco said with a chuckle, already aware of how this will end.

"I'm gonna need it" Emma sighed, a small laugh left her lips as she unbuckled her seat belt.

Emma climbed out of the car and looked at the bar, all the memories she had here came flooding back; a small but sad smile sat on her lips. Emma took a deep breath and pushed the bar door open, seeing it was at its usual capacity for this time of day. She looked up and saw her, Regina Mills. Her heart skipped a beat at the sight, still not sure if she was dreaming or not. Regina was smiling at a customer as she poor him a drink, making polite conversation. Emma braced herself as she walked over, standing the opposite end to the brunette.

"There you are, Charlie, don't drink it too fast this time" Regina joked with a laugh, sliding the pint to the man. He chuckled as he nodded, standing to walk away. Regina turned towards the other end of the bar, having noticed someone stood there. "Hey, what can I-" she started, pausing as she finally noticed who it was.

Her whole body went into shock; her mouth was hitting the floor and her breath was clogged in her throat. Regina couldn't believe her eyes, she didn't want to. She blinked a few times in hope the image would disappear but it didn't. Her face looked as if she'd seen a ghost or something. Emma gave a nervous smiled, still in disbelief that she was back.

"Hey" was all the blonde could say, unsure what else to say.

"Get out..." Regina said in an almost whisper tone, barely able to get any words out. As her shock turned into anger, she finally looked away from Emma's eyes. "Get out! NOW, SWAN!" Regina shouted, all the pain from the past three years engolfing her.

"Gina, I just-"


"Ok, I'm going... I'm sorry" Emma softly said, holding her hands up in defeat. She could see in the brunettes eyes that she was still hurting. Regina's face may have said anger but her eyes just said pain. Emma back up from the bar to show she was going, still looking at the brunette. "I really am sorry"

Regina didn't say anything, she just continued to give the same frustrated face as before. Emma looked down as she began to walk away, knowing it wouldn't have been any better than that. As she got outside, she just stopped in shock at seeing the woman again. She knew this would happen but some part of her hoped it would be better than that. Marco climbed out the car and looked at her, seeing the hurt look on his mother's face. He knew that Emma seeing Regina would her hurt, she'd been broken the whole time they'd been gone.

"I take it went bad" Marco softly questioned, hating to see such a look on his mother.

"She kicked me out" Emma replied, looking at the ground as she played that moment again. "You go in and get it, she won't be mad at you"

"You sure" Marco hesitatingly asked, worried Regina would react the same way.

"I'm sure, go on in" Emma replied with a sigh, heading back to get into the car.

Marco closed the door as he walked around the car, heading straight into the bar. As he approached the bar, he saw the back of the stressed brunette gripping her hair and taking deep breaths. He just stood there and waited, walking to speak but still nervous. Regina heard the sound of a sigh, knowing someone was there. She turned around as she rubbed her temple, relieving some stress.

"Hey, how can I help you" Regina asked, barely glancing up at the boy.

"Hi" Marco softly said, looking in shock at the woman he'd missed.

Regina looked up a little confused, unsure why he didn't say an order. That's when she noticed how familiar the boy looked. She studied his face, trying to figure out how she knew it. As Marco gave a small smile, it finally clicked in her mind. She barely recognised him as she'd never seen him like this or this grown up. Her face fell into a look of surprise, not sure if she was more shocked to see him or Emma.

"Oh my god... Is that really you, little Swan" Regina asked, letting out a breath she didn't know she was holding.

"Yeah, it's me" Marco replied with a weak chuckle, his eyes starting to tear up.

"Oh, sweetheart, come here" Regina quickly said, rushing around the bar to embrace the young blonde. As their bodies joined, the pair held each other as tight as they could. Regina's hand cradled the back of the boys head, holding him as close as she could. "I missed you so much"

"I missed you too" Marco said in a relieved voice, having missed being hugged by her.

"Let me look at you" Regina said with a smile, pulling away to hold the boys face. She looked into his eyes and couldn't help the proud mum look across her face, still loving the child as if he was her own. "You're so grown up... And so handsome"

"Thank you" Marco said in a cracked tone, his heart melting at the word handsome; he knew she accepted him.

"What your name, sweetie" Regina asked with a smile, brushing her hand through his short hair.


"I like it, it suits you"

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