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It's two days later, meaning today was Marco's birthday. Regina and Emma haven't spoken to each other since their last conversation, having been avoiding each other very well. Emma had woken up in her bed, alone again, with an upset expression on her face; she missed Regina of course. She then shook this off at the thought of what day it was, smiling as she quickly got out of bed. She headed straight out her room and to her son's door, quickly stopping because he had his boyfriend in there.

"Marco, wake up!" Emma shouted, banging down on the wood of the door.

"It's too early, mum" Marco sighed in annoyance, dragging his body to sit up.

"Come on, kid, I'm gonna make breakfast" Emma said with a laugh, heading towards the kitchen.

Marco yawned loudly as he stretched, still feeling half asleep. A pair of arms then wrapped around his waist, causing a smile to form. He glanced over his shoulder to see Ben, pushing out his lips for a kiss.

"Morning" Marco mumbled, already starting to climb out of bed.

"Happy birthday, shorty" Ben said with a smile, not bothering to get up.

"Come on, we should get dressed and get out there before mum bursts in with pancakes" Marco said, chuckling as he pulled a pair of boxers on.

Ben giggled as he got out of bed, starting to get dressed along with his boyfriend. The pair walked over to the door and left the room, strolling down the hall. As they got to the lounge, they saw balloons and banners and decorations and all sorts. A huge smile appeared on his face, half shocked, half amazed.

"Happy birthday, kid" Emma happily said, stood in the kitchen area with a mixing bowl of pancake mixture.

"Mum, this is amazing" Marco happily said, heading over to hug his mother. Emma smiled and chuckled as she held the young blonde close to her, giving him a quick squeeze. "Thank you, this is too much"

"You're a man now, it's not too much" Emma laughed, slipping out his arms to look happily at him. "You'll never understand how much I love you and how proud I am"

"The same goes for you" Marco replied with a soft smile, causing his mother's to grow.

"Come sit, open your presents" Emma insisted, gesturing to the sofa behind him.

Marco chuckled as he headed over, sitting beside Ben. Emma held a small, wrapped box to the boy. Marco took it with curiousity, eager to open it. As he ripped it apart, he saw a set of car keys with a single key ring on. It was a picture of the pair when he was 16, her favourite one of them. Marco looked a little confused, holding them up to his mother.

"What's this for"

"Your car is parked outside, the grey one next to mine"

"Are you serious? You brought me a car" Marco quickly asked, practically falling to his face in shock. Emma smiled and gestures to the window, knowing it's easily seen. Marco rushed to the window in shock, looking at the car. "Holy shit"

"Language" Emma warned, knowing it is a subconscious reaction by now.

"You got me a car? Oh my god, mum" Marco said in pure shock, looking at the vehicle on the road.

"And there's this" Emma added, holding a thick envelope towards him.

As Marco turned to take it, he hugged his mother in a tight embrace; he couldn't believe his present. Emma chuckled as she kissed his head, knowing he will like it. He then pulled away and took, just as curious as to what is in it. He opened it to see a large pile of cash, a sticker around it saying $2000.

"Mum, no, this is far too much" Marco quickly said, shaking his head as he held it towards her.

"That's to get you settled and started, save up for a nice place or a better car" Emma said with a giggle, pushing the money back to her son.

"How did you afford all of this" Marco asked in shock, looking between the money and the keys.

"Don't worry about that, just make sure you use this for good" Emma replied, rubbing his shoulder with a smile.

"Oh, mum" Marco said, instantly hugging his mother once again to show his appreciation.

"You're welcome, kid" Emma happily said, ruffling his hair as she pulled away. "Now, go on downstairs and see Regina; I know she has something good for you. Ben, you can help me finish breakfast"

"Promise me you two will be civil today" Marco requested with a small laugh, giving a goofy but stern look.


"Thank you"

Marco gave a wink to Ben as he headed out the room, leaving the apartment. He headed downstairs and to the bar, walking in to see Regina wiping down the bar. She glanced up at the sound of his steps, giving a huge smile as she did.

"Happy birthday, you!" Regina happily said, quickly making her way around the counter to see him.

"Thank you, mum" Marco said with a smile, embracing her into a big hug.

"Did you like your present from your mum" Regina asked, already using her hands to fix his hair.

"I did though I wasn't expecting it" Marco replied, giving a chuckle as he knew that was the point.

"Well, I have a gift for you and you'll love it" Regina said with a smirk, knowing the boy better than he realised.

"That face worries me" Marco laughed, shaking his head at the look.

"Here you go, sweet heart" Regina said, holding a wrapped up shoe box.

"Before I open this, I want you to promise me two things" Marco quickly said, showing he was eager to open it. Regina raised an eyebrow and hummed, encouraging him to speak. "Firstly, promise me this isn't a tarantula"

"You think I'd hold a box with a huge spider it" Regina asked with a laugh, knowing it was a stupid question.

"Good point. The second is to promise you will be civil with mum today" Marco requested, sticking his lip out to show he was begging. Regina just shook her head, eyes widened at the crazy suggestion. "Mum, please"

"I'm very mad at her" Regina sighed, knowing she can't deal with seeing the blonde right now.

"You are always mad at her and she's leaving tomorrow, please just be civil for me today" Marco begged, clasping his hands together to make it more dramatic.

"Fine but only because I love you, kid"

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