Chapter III: You're just another girl

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The night have passed just like that, and once again.. Chaeyoung found herself sitting on one of the chairs at the bar. But this time, it's a different bar, she came here for a reason.

The reason of, wanting to see more kind of girls.

Sana was great, yeah. But she can feel like today is the day she can spot the one.

The one who can make her feel more than lust. She wants to experience those butterflies too, those true feelings.

As she was chugging her second drink, she averts her gaze to the dancing crowd. People may surrounds her, but she still felt so alone.

It's been about half an hour that she's been in the bar, and multiple girls had already tried to hit on her.

She finds them boring though, or maybe because she's still sober. Nonetheless, they find them not amusing at all.

Their so called pick-up lines was terrible. Not Chaeyoung's taste at all.

Because it went like this.

"Wanna dance?"

"No thank you, I don't dance."


"Hey cutie, want to go somewhere far from here?"

"I have a car, no thank you."

And what would even beat..

"You shouldn't be all alone here, a baby should have a mommy beside her.. don't you think?"

"Sorry, but i prefer to be a mommy than a baby."

Chaeyoung could end up gagging from how the girls try to show off. What a low class of fishing girls. She can totally do better than those.

Maybe that's the reason she has high standards, because she herself is the standard she's looking for.

As the beats went louder, Chaeyoung saw someone moving on the dance floor. With a guy to be exact, she tsked by the sight.

Why do almost every woman in this bar has a man tagging along with them? 

But as the music went lower, more subtle, she caught the girl looking over at her.

Chaeyoung bites her bottom lip. The girl got her attention, now she wants more.

And she might've know how this night's gonna end.

Chaeyoung gulps, because of the way that the woman's hips move to the rhythm of the beat is mesmerizing.

Her eyes might be forming heart shapes right now, but who cares.. she's too caught up by the sight in front of her.

She scans the girl, from head to heels. She's wearing a simple denim shorts and a white t-shirt. Simple but breath taking if you ask her.

"I would love that outfit on my bedroom floor tonight." Chaeyoung said as she sips on her beer.

"But too bad, she's with a man." Chaeyoung stared at her drink, and sighed in defeat. Hot and sexy as fuck girls are mostly straight, but there's also a chance that they're not.

But it'll be a big luck to find one, like Sana perhaps.

She should get going, it feels like the night won't be that great after all. Guess she's wrong.


She was about to stood up, but then she heard a voice. And it's good enough to just be ignored.

"Wha-" her tongue didn't even made it, she didn't utter her words properly after seeing who's the girl infront of her.

It's her. Chaeyoung thought. And wow, how can she not see how pretty the girl is up close.

"Oh, uhm.. hey." Chaeyoung clears her throat, trying to act cool.

Her beauty just got her so nervous, thinking she needs another drink. Stronger than this.

"Can i join you here?" The woman asked as she sat on one of the chairs near her.

This wasn't a part of the plan, but damn it. I like her already. Chaeyoung thought.

"I think your man is waiting for you" Chaeyoung said, push and pull game it is.

"Who?" The girl smiles. Thinking how adorable the girl's little dimple is.

Chaeyoung points, "The guy who's dancing with you?" She said.

"Him? Oh. He's just a stranger who's stupidly flirting." The woman replied ang laughs.

And oh how Chaeyoung thinks the girl's laugh is everything. She now wonders how good she moans her name.

"Why not flirt back? Don't miss the chance young lady." Chaeyoung said and smirks.

The girl hums and then spoke after, "But I'll miss my chance if i go back to him."

Chaeyoung frowns, "What do you mean?" She asked.

The woman's finger walks on top of the table till it reached hers, "You see, I'm uninterested in men. And never in my wildest dreams i would imagine myself flirting with them. Disgusting."

The girl is now staring deeply at her, while intertwining their hands together.

"But you're flirting with me." Chaeyoung uttered.

"Am i mistaken? you don't look like a pretty boy to me." The girl laughs.

"I knew it, you're one of them" Chaeyoung chuckled.

From the moment Mina pursue her like that, her thoughts had changed. The bad news became good all of a sudden.

The girl lift their hands that are intertwined, "You mean.. we're one of them" she then smiled at Chaeyoung.

"You noticed." Chaeyoung mirrors the smile.

"How can i not? Your eyes speaks more than your words honey. The way you looked at me while I'm dancing.. it's way too obvious."

So the girl noticed how Chaeyoung was so caught up on looking at her awhile ago.

"Here's a tip, if you want no one to suspect.. try to eye at the dudes in the crowd instead, yeah?" what a terrible joke, but that's what the girl suggests.

But Chaeyoung didn't mind the mame joke at all, because she's so deep in her thoughts.

I'd rather stare at you. Chaeyoung thought. She wants to say that infront of the girl's face, but it's not the time. She's still testing the waves.

"Thanks for the tip though. Appreciate it." Chaeyoung said, like hinting that she wants to end the conversation.

The girl let go if her hand, "No, no, no.. you don't understand. My special tips aren't for free." She said.

"How much do-" when Chaeyoung was about to fix thing with money, which is the only way she thinks she can settle things, with cash.. the girl cuts her off with a gentle touch on her thigh.

Chaeyoung stared at the roaming hand, "Oh no, i- I don't." She was about to oppose, but then.

"Yes you do."

Without noticing it, she felt a hand cupping the side of her face and she can also feel another hand right at her neck.

Then the feel of someone's lips against hers. And that's when she realized that, she's now making out with a stranger.

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