"Uh, no thanks, It needs to be cooked!"

Mantiko looked a Joilee with a confused look.

"Fire!" Joilee replied as she tried making a gesture. Mantiko was still confused.

Joilee thought for a second until she got the idea to make a small fire. She took two sticks, hoping the dense oxygen would not prevent her from making a flame. Mantiko understood. He removed a vile from his satchel. Mantiko opened the vile and poured the yellow liquid onto the wood. The wood started smoking and combusted into flames. Joilee took a sample of the yellow substance with her Palmer. The scan detected a faint presence of thermite.

Mantiko took a stick, put the chunk of meat, and held it over the fire to cook. After it was well done, she offered Mantiko to try it. Mantiko took a bite, and it was to his satisfaction. Now it was Joilee's turn as he offered her a piece. Joilee took the meat and hesitantly took a bite. It was a bit gamey. Mantiko lifted the animal on his shoulder to return to the village.

The next day, Mantiko took Joilee to the forest to forage. Mantiko showed her the proper plants and herbs to gather and avoid. After filling their satchels, Mantiko became hungry. He took Joilee to a wild orchard where fruit grew abundantly. Joilee was amazed when she saw colorful fruit glowing with mild radiant light. Mantiko picked one of the fruit from the tree that was twice the size of her hand.

Again, Joilee was hesitant. She wanted to scan the fruit with her Palmer as a precaution. Mantiko looked at her and urged her to take a bite as he looked at her eagerly. "Alright already," Joilee stated. Once Joilee took a bite, her mouth was flooded with a light sweetness.

"Not bad!" Joilee took another bite. This brought back memories of when she was a young agricultural scientist during her academy days.

- Three years ago-

Joilee conducted genetic modification experiments enhancing plants D.N.A., using an herbal steroid called Resilient 03091980. Joilee's goal was to make Earth plants resilient against harsh environmental conditions. The goal was to use these plants for terraforming purposes. These plants would be used to grow food on Mars and to terraform Sierra Alpha Prime. Joilee came up with a terraforming plan to create an oxygenated atmosphere. The genetically modified plants would aid in the process. Joilee presented the plan to the council.

The governing council was pleased with her presentation and took into a vote to initiate her plans. After her performance, she went home for the evening to rest. Joilee had been doing a nearly 10-hour shift to work on her research with the plant specimens. She had to report to duty in the agricultural lab at 600 hours. However, her sleep was cut short after receiving a call to report to the agricultural science lab. Joilee got up and made haste. She was met by her superior Chief Agriculture Science Officer, Dr. Yokomura.

"Joilee, I am glad you finally made it." Dr. Yokomura replied.

"You made it sound urgent. I was having the nicest dream."

"Well, one of your dreams is about to come true. Your work with the soil enrichment for the strawberry specimens. They have finally matured."

"In the past couple of weeks."

"Past couple of weeks? Strawberries take at least a month and a half to grow."

"Yeah, but your experiment has been fruitful, literally speaking. The ones you planted seven weeks ago came back from the Agricultural test site in central Africa. The results are astonishing."

"Where are they?

"Over here!" The higher-ranking military scientist went to a food cache and opened it. He removed a strawberry that was the size of a tennis ball.

"Catch!" The science officer tossed her the oversize fruit. Joilee caught it and observed it in amazement.

"Are these from the seeds that were altered with the Resilient steroid?"

"That it is. Joilee, do you know what you have done here. Your theories were right about vegetable D.N. A. strains altered with the steroid. Its genetic material will adapt to any climate and increase food growth. We must inform the science council at once.

"Wait, we must do other tests with other fruits and vegetables."

"What are you talking about, Joilee? You tested on the potatoes, carrots, corn, and now strawberries. We had a 76% increase in growth rate."

"Yeah, but you know the council wants a 100% success rate.

"That is the only technical ideology of the government. The rate that this planet is dying, 100%, is luxury at this point."

"Are you sure about this?"

"I am your commanding officer. If the science counsel disagrees with the results, I take full responsibility. 

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