Old Man Choi close his eyes as he tried to recall the events that made him want to defeat the Manoban Family and stomp them into the ground.

He was naive an inexperienced back then. His ego always made him underestimate everyone. Including Grandfather Manoban.

His greatest love rival. The only person that made him feel what defeat really is.

Now, a young girl is making him feel this hateful feeling again. The incomparable feeling of being a loser. The only difference is this time, the person who gave him this defeat is aware of what she is doing. And possibly more dangerous than that of Old Man Manoban.

After some time, Old Man Choi looked at the father and daughter who was just waiting for him to say something. "Call Wendy, We can't continue this engagement. That woman is laying a trap for us."

No matter how much he regretted his actions, everything that happened already happened. All he can do right now is try and avoid that Chaeyoung and maybe... just maybe he could start all over again with his revenge.


Meanwhile, Laura was holding her stomach as her shoulders shook from her laughter.

"My stomach hurts... Aiyah... That old man.... hahaha... I'm sure he did not expect that." She said while trying to suppress her laughter. She did not know that Chaeyoung will handle the situation like this.

And Laura would be lying if she will say that she was not impressed. Because she is. She really is!

If she was in Chaeyoung's situation at that age she would have just used her fist and send everyone in the Choi Family to the hospital.

Well even with her age right now, Laura would still do that to the despicable Choi family without batting an eye.

Who would have thought that her daughter in law would handle this with so much... class and elegance?

"Aiyah... I can't wait to inform Marco about all this." She said before she sipped a glass of her tea. Chaeyoung went directly into her suite after she had gone to the Choi Family to tell her about what happened.

"Thank you mother... however, I am actually here to ask for a favor." Chaeyoung said.

"A favor? Please, do tell."

"I want to know if you know someone from the media?"

"Hmmm... Of course!"  Then Laura widened her eyes as a realization hit her. "Wait... don't tell me that you lied to Old Man about the news that you threaten him with?"

Chaeyoung did not answer instead she gave her mother in law a childish grin. Like a kid caught stealing some candies.

"Oh... you... you are one smart girl! Hahahaha... I... should have been there... Why did you not bring me over to watch the show? Aiyah... next time you do something like this, reserve a front row seat for me.... this child- I am your mother how come you forgot to let me enjoy the show as well?" Laura pouted before smiling at Chaeyoung. Her daughter in law exceeded her expectations in all aspect.

Laura honestly thinks that this daughter in law of hers might be just as brilliant as her daughter. If not more.

"So what do you need the media for?" She asked Chaeyoung with her twinkling eyes. She wanted to know what other fun ideas this daughter of hers could come up with.

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