Down Comes a Raven

Start from the beginning

The two really loved each other with Raven longing for a sibling and Moo longing for a sibling his age. They spent most of their time together when they were younger, she was also friends with Violet alongside Moo becoming this small friend group. Raven became devastated on Violet being sent away and, a few years later, Moo being taken.

Now, Raven tried not to think about that, she glad to have her brother back and though she missed Violet everyday she came to terms at the fact that you can't change the past.

She turned to him in concern, "You haven't been doing it again, have you?" she looked down to his scarred wrists.

"You got nothing to worry about," he wrapped his arm over her shoulders, "I don't do that stuff no more, you know I could never do that you."

"Please, if you ever need to talk I'm here even though I can be the worst fucking counselor."

"Thanks," he went to hug her as she hugged back.

As went back to watching Smokey he widened his eyes almost forgetting about Raven thinking Violet was dead. He knew how much she loved Violet and no reason to keep her a secret from her like with Marisol.

She was as much as her best friend as she was to Moo.

"Hey, Rave? You remember Violet, right?"

He saw her eyes going round before she looked down frowning sadly, "Why did you bring her up?"

"Hey, don't look like that," he cooed, "I actually have great news."

She just raised a brow.

"She's alive, she's really alive and doing well."

Her body instantly jolted up turning to him with a pale expression, "This is a fucking joke, right? She can't be!"

He laughed, "She is, Raven, she saved me and me and Storm brought her back with us, she's at my apartment right now!"

"I still think you're fucking around with me but I'll come back with you just to make you feel better."

"Alright, but just so you know I'm going to be the one to make you feel better."

Once he whistled for Smokey to come back, he grabbed his leash leading Raven back to his apartment.

While Moo was away Violet ended up rummaging through Moo's refrigerator finding sliced smoked ham. She made sandwiches that included lettuce, tomatoes, and pickles with a side of homemade fries she made out of the bag potatoes in the cabinet. She wanted him to take a little break from cooking for them, it was the least she could do after all the generous things he's done for her.

She tiredly sat in one of the chairs as Rosie came in resting by Violet's feet. She looked up thoughtfully at the image of Moo's handsome face near her's, his actions didn't even make her flinch but comfort her in some way. Then she frowned thinking about how Moo could've just been simply thinking about someone else in that moment, besides, he didn't hesitate to pull away when he soon realized what he was doing.

He couldn't possibly like someone likes me, she sighed slumping her shoulders.

But she was still happy they were at least still best friends, that really should be all that matters.

She whipped her head around hearing the front doorknob jiggle around before it opened with Moo stepping along with Smokey and a woman she didn't recognize.

"Hey, sunshine," he chirped walking in the kitchen, "Smells like you've been busy."

She smiled, "I thought you might be hungry so I just made a little something if you didn't mind."

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