CHAPTER 3 - Forbidden Things Have a Secret Charm

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House of the Rising Sun - The Animals

September 5th 2024

Let it be acknowledged that Max Kanté was the backbone of this whole operation.

For Max getting a job at one of the most secure places on earth was surprisingly easy.

Sure, he had to create an entire new identity for himself, forge countless of documents, manufacture an entire tragic backstory for himself and change his whole appearance. But whose keeping note of all that.

'All for the Greater Good' as Marinette used to say before she would promptly burst out laughing.

It had taken him a few short weeks but as of last month he was now 'Olen Veitch,' a twenty-year old computer genius who unlike most kids his age actually enjoys his job.

Sure, creating a new identity was nothing new for Max, but he likes to take pleasure in the little things.

For instance, he knows he will take pleasure in seeing everyone's faces when they break Marinette and Luka out of Ravenhold.

If Max's calculations are correct, and according to Markov they ninety-eight percent of the time are, the plans for breaking out of Ravenhold should be finalised within the week.


Officer K's coat pockets jingled, the keys he just summoned bouncing around in them. He had led the group out of the briefing room and back into the corridor. The sombre mood that was present during the previous walk along level A returned full force. They had reached the observation room door after a few short minutes.

Officer K turned hesitantly to the group.

"This is the observation room, when you go in, please do not touch anything, but feel free to take a seat. You will be able to see and hear Miss Dupain-Cheng through the large monitor displaying the camera feed. She cannot see or hear you however."

Fishing the keys out of his pocket he began to sort through them in an attempt to find the key that fits the lock on the observation room door. Once he found the right one, he slotted it into the lock. With his other hand he pushed the handle on the door down and opened the door.

A cold breeze curls protectively around the group as the door swings open. Stepping inside Officer K surveys his workspace, other than a few stray mugs and miscellaneous pieces of paper his office was relatively clean.

He mentally thanked his husband for convincing him to get rid of the cardboard cut out of 'handsome squid ward' that used to stand proud in the corner of the room. That could have been embarrassing if they had seen that.

The group wandered in behind him and settled themselves on the chairs and sofas littered around the room. Their attention however was solely focused on the large screen which displayed Marinette's current predicament.

Officer K sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, this will be a fun one to explain.

Marinette was drunk dancing again.


Robin was not sure what he expected to see when he saw Dupain-Cheng for the first time. He was not predicting her to be dancing wearing only a plain white t-shirt and shorts that displayed her supple body, her soft curves easily seen through the near see-through material.

The cell that Dupain-Cheng inhabits looks nicer that what Robin envisioned. For such an accomplished criminal she appears to be staying in near luxury. The room was shaped like a pentagon filled with white furniture, a large sofa sat on the furthest back wall a coffee table placed in front of it. On the table Robin can see that there is a large bottle of vodka and an abundance of used shot glasses. Robin scrunches up his nose.

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