The end or the beginning?

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Aang's pov

It has been a few weeks after Toph complained about her nightmares. She has fully healed, and it was very relieving for me. She never complained about any nightmares. It now seemed that the world is at peace. The war is done, Zuko is Fire Lord, Ba sing se isn't conquered by the Fire Nation, and most importantly, we saved lives. While at our stay in the Fire Nation, there were lots of conversations about Zuko's coronation. So, we could tell that it had to be prepared as soon as possible. Zuko postponed his coronation until Toph fully healed.

It didn't take long for that to happen, only after one week after he said that, she was fully healed. Then it took about a week to finish all the preparations. There were people of all Nations here (except for the Air Nomads). Zuko and I gave a speech in the coronation. The gaang and the other Nations cheered for us. After the coronation, the whole gaang decided to have a little vacation. But, we pondered over where it should be for a while. Until Uncle Iroh suggested that we should come to his tea shop in Ba sing se. He said it's closed at this time, so it will be only us. The whole gaang agreed.
The rest of the gaang changed into more Earth kingdom clothing. We invited some other people to the tea shop: Ty Lee and Mai. Sokka still didn't trust them, with their previous records. Ty Lee changed into a Kyoshi warrior, Mai well, Mai was Mai. Mai was kind of shocked when Zuko said he and Katara was official. But, surprisingly she wasn't mad or anything, she congratulated them. She said that he will be happier with Katara than her.

We all entered the Jasmine dragon, looking around the place. In less than no time everyone made themselves comfortable. Suki and Mai are playing Pai Sho. Zuko, Iroh and Katara watching them play. Sokka managed to find a piece of paper and a brush, and coincidentally ink. Ty Lee was watching Sokka draw while confused. I made an airball and made it move around while Momo chased it around. Toph sat next to me while 'watching' what I was doing.

"Come on Zuko, serve your friends some tea." Iroh said while smiling at Zuko.

Zuko nodded at Iroh, and left to make some tea. A little while later, Zuko came back to serve us tea. He served Katara first, then he served Sokka who still didn't raise his head from the paper. He served tea to Mai and Suki after their game ended. Which Suki ended up winning. Then he served Iroh, he then served Ty Lee. He then walked up to me and Toph and served us tea. Then he took a cup for himself, and went back next to Katara.

"If it weren't for you guys, especially Katara, I would never be the man I am today." Zuko said while smiling at Katara, he intertwined his hand with Katara's. Katara gave him the same smile back at him.

"You're right, you wouldn't be." Sokka said jokingly.

Katara looked at Sokka with a look that made Sokka pale a bit. It looked like she was threatening Sokka, but we can't hear what she is saying. Not that I would wanted to hear. Katara then had a look filled with confusion, she looked at Sokka with a quizzical face. Katara walked up to Sokka and looked at his drawing, her face scrunched up. Sokka's strong suit wasn't really art, so I expected that she saw a drawing looking like a four year old drew it.

"Why did you give me Momo's ears?" Katara asked.

"That's your hair loopies!" Sokka exclaimed, clearly offended.

Zuko walked over and looked at the drawing, his face scrunching up just like Katara's.

"My hair isn't that spiky!" Zuko exclaimed very offended.

The rest of the gaang walked over to take a look at themselves.

"Why do I have four legs?" Ty Lee asked.

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