The Western Air Temple

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Aang's POV

The gaang and I decided to go to the Western Air Temple. It was a great decision, knowing that only us knew where it was located, or so we thought. There was no need for us to have on our Fire Nation disguises, so we all wore our normal attire. Katara only had her hair loose a little more often, maybe like all the time. We still didn't know where Suki was, not hearing from her or seeing her, since we went through the serpant's pass.

The Western Air Temple was beat, well, we expected that after no one lived there for over one hundred years. The place was huge, the same way It was before, just needed some redecoration, and it's all brand new. It had a fountain, which Katara fixed and used as a water source. It was helpful a lot, for all of our water needs. The Temple held loads of curiosity, a place where we could explore when we were bored. The Fire Nation hadn't really meddled with the Temple thinking that no one could live or be there, so that makes our job easier.

We redecorated the Temple a bit, so it looks more 'ok' than it was.

I'd been meaning to ask Toph to explore the Temple with me. If she'd accept my offer. That thought haunted me for the whole day, urging me to go ask her, but everytime I tried, my stomach would churn, and my brain would have a mind of it's own. I had to calm myself down, Toph asked what's wrong with me, I told her it's nothing. Of course she knew it was a lie but, I'm happy she shrugged it off.

I finally got the courage, which had been ever so happily, avoiding me, and asked Toph.

"Um, hey Toph, would you like to explore the Temple with me?" I asked timidly.

"Sure, since I have nothing better to do." Toph replied.

I mentally cheered in my mind with happiness.

"Don't wonder off to far, both of you." Katara said.

"We won't, mom." Toph said.

Katara just rolled her eyes and went back to what she was doing.

Toph and I explored the Temple, I assumed that we explored at least half of the Temple, but little did I knew we only discovered one tenth of it.

For every place we passed, I told Toph the origins of it, and what it was, some of the stuff I told her she was amazed by.

"No way! I never knew Air nomads could be cool. Guess your not as boring as I thought." Toph joked.

I laughed at her statement. "Of course we're not that boring,"

We just laughed for a moment, until we reached the library. An ancient one I must say, one where there is answers to all your questions.

"What's this? as what I can " See" I feel weird vibrations, of cases and thousands of them, with things inside them, they are not earth so if can't tell what they are." Toph said, most of her statement sounded like she was confused.

"It's an ancient library." I answered.

"Oh... " Toph started.

"Not just any 'ancient library' this is called in Airbender terms: The library of knowledge. It's a place where answers to all your questions can be answered, not only based on air nomads but on all four Nations." I said.

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