The beifongs

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Aang's pov

I just lost my earthbending teacher, great.

Now where can i find someone who wants to be hidden?

I feel like a jerk, maybe i should have told her i was the avatar, would that work? Maybe not.


"Huh what?" I replied

"I was calling you for the past two minutes." Katara said

"I was asking where should we look first to find the blind bandit."

"Oh um.. I don't know?" I replied unsure.

"Sorry katara, I was just wrapped up in my thoughts. " I replied, feeling foolish for her to wait for my answer.

"It's ok." Katara said reassuringly.

I smiled briefly.

We walked and searched, everywhere we could think of.

Until, we met two boys.

Katara gave them a stern look.

I was a little confused at first, but to realize these were the two boys who told us about 'earth rumble six.'

"What're they doing here?" I thought.

Katara walked up to them asking " Do you know someone who is the name of blind bandit?!" She said in a threatning tone.

The boys had fear written all over their faces.

"No, no honest, we don't!" They said at the same time.

"If you all are lying, I'll-" i cut katara off.

"Do you guys know a blind girl, hair in a bun, shorter than me, who is a powerful earthbender?" I asked calmly.

They responded with a negative.

I sighed.

"Aang what about the vision you had!" Sokka exclaimed.

Oh wait yea. I thought

"I saw a girl, giggling, and with a flying boar!" I said.

"Do you know someone like that?" I asked a little excited.

"No, but a flying boar is the symbol of the Beifong family." One of the boys said.

"Yeah, but no one even knows if they even have a daughter. And yeah probably don't have one anyways."the other boy remarked.

Katara gave them a death look. Like she was about to put them in their watery demise.

They jerked back.

I gave katara a look to stop.

"Do you know where they live?" I asked calmly.

They shook their head in a 'no'.

Katara gave them the look.

They spat out. " Intheupperringofbasingse, gaoling!( in the upper ring of ba sing se , gaoling.) For those who didn't understand what i wrote sorry, anyways back to the story.

"Thanks!" I exclaimed.

"Ok, we have a head on where to look let's go."


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