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⚠There is going to be some blood in this and self harm. Viewer's discretion is advised. You can skip if you want, I don't mind.⚠

Toph's pov

It has been a few weeks after my fall. Katara came everyday to heal me, and ask how I was coping with it. The first few days she started to heal me, were very painful. There are no words I can use to describe it. After one week or so, it was normal, I only felt a little twinge in my body. Until, it became totally painless. I was starting to get better, faster than I thought. I could move my body more, I walk normally, and 'see' how I usually do. Basically all the parts broken were almost fully healed, thanks to Katara.

Aang came to visit me everyday, asking how I was doing. I replied with the same "Yeah, I'm doing fine, I could do all the things I usually do. Just that, I'm having weird dreams." Sometimes I give him a different reply, but they mostly mean the same thing. Aang, mostly took care of my needs, and me, myself. If I needed anything, before I could say the last two letters of his name, he's already there. When I need him the most he's there for me, and comforted me, when needed the most. He mostly brings my lunch and breakfast, wakes me up if I overslept, sometimes he allows me to oversleep, washes my clothes, and last but not least, talks to me and listens to me when needed most. I always told him he did too much for me. But, he always insists, and denies my claims.

The rest of the gaang visited me, checking up and asking how I'm doing. I guess it's okay, still kinda weird how I'm in the Fire Nation palace. After I fell and was taken to the airship, after Aang and I talked. The gaang decided it's best to go to the Fire Nation palace. There are many medics there, and the Fire Nation was no longer under Ozai's command. Zuko gave the rest of the gaang a little tour of the palace, so they could be familiar with it. I myself was not there, Aang told me all this, as I was in my room sleeping. Zuko arranged for everyone's rooms to be prepared. As he defeated Azula, the palace members called him Fire Lord Zuko.

Suki and Sokka shared a room. Katara's room was next to Zuko's. Aang's room was next to mine's. Appa and Momo had a huge stable for themselves, mostly being spoiled by the palace members. The order the rooms were in was: Zuko's room first, then Katara's, then my room, then Aang's room, and Suki and Sokka's last.

The Fire Nation wasn't so bad, the maids were a little too nice towards me. They always brought my lunch and breakfast for me. I told them in the most kindest and polite voice I had, that they didn't need bring it, as Aang did. They responded with a polite bow and listened. The Fire Nation had, really creative dishes like: ash bread, fire flakes, extra-spicy fire noodles, and banana-ash-bread. I actually don't mind none of them, they taste good, especially fire flakes and extra-spicy fire noodles. They had some vegetarian delicacies for Aang. He complained how they were very spicy, and should reduce on that. But, they don't call them the FIRE NATION for nothing.

The rooms were large, and I didn't need eye sight to tell. It was a large and spacious. But, I could feel there having lots of stuff in the rooms. It was like, there was another house in one room. I wasn't too surprised around stuff like this, from last experiences. I guess I'm not surprised, as I am normal with large rooms like this, as there are similar rooms like this back at my parent's home. I'm sure that Katara and Sokka even Suki, and probably Aang will be flabbergasted by this sight. They probably never had been into a room this big, in their entire lifetime.

I got pretty normal to my room as time passed-by. Things were pretty peaceful. Sometimes, Aang would stay and sleep with me in the night. Everyone would visit ask about me, Katara would come by to heal me. Maids would come and clean and do their job. Everything was A-ok. Until, some things changed over a while. I started having nightmares, really bad ones, causing a rush of emotions to hit me. I started to become restless and had tear stains on my cheek. Aang noticed this and became worried over time, asking me everytime if I was ok, and if he needs to sleep with me to help me get sleep. I always said I'm okay, even though I'm not.

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