Sozin's comet(part three)

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Aang's pov

Toph made contact with the ground, making a loud "CRACK!" She gasped as she made contact with the ground. It sounded like, her bones were broken. Her frail body laid on the ground helpless. Tears fell out of my eyes uncontrollably, I ran towards her holding her frail body. I hugged her tightly hoping that she would be ok, I prayed to the spirits that Katara would be here soon. Her breathing deteriorated quickly, and her eyes would not open. I wish this was a dream, but it's not.

"No, no, no, no, no, no! Please, don't leave me Toph!" I exclaimed.

I waited for her response but got none, it only made the situation worse. More tears started to fall, until I felt a hand on mine.

"I-I'm not gonna leave you." Toph said weakly, but still managed to place a small smile on her face.

"Toph! Please, hang in there, just long enough until Katara comes." I said still holding Toph in my arms.

Toph's eyes we're starting to close, and her grip on my hand was weakening. I realized what was happening, and squeezed her hand; not to tight. Tears were starting to fall even more this time. Suddenly, Toph's grip on my hand was strengthening. She gave my hand a squeeze, her eyes only merely open. I knew that Toph was holding on for her life. I knew that I had to protect her, get her out of here. So I can finish my fight with Ozai.

Suddenly firebenders surrounded us. Leaving no exit nor entrance. I hugged Toph more tightly than ever, I wasn't going to allow them to touch her, not at all. Then came someone who I didn't want to see: Ozai. He had an evil smirk on his face, he was also watching Toph, who was in my arms. My mood changed from sad, to furious. If he dares touch her, I swear I'll be the last thing he saw. He and the other firebenders got in their stances, ready to attack us.

Once they started to send fire towards us, it left as fast as it came. Suki and Sokka came down to help us, thank the spirits. They easily took down twenty soliders in less than five minutes.

"Please, take care of Toph until Katara and Zuko came." I said while quickly and carefully giving Toph to Sokka. He and Suki nodded in response.

"Of course Aang, we would take care of her." Suki said.

"Yea, we will." Sokka said holding Toph.

Suki and Sokka took down all the firebenders in less than one minute. They ran, and took Toph to a safe place: an airship. Now, it was back to the fight with Ozai.

"I see your little 'girlfriend' is hurt, what a shame," Ozai said sarcastically. I only got angrier, but still managed to keep calm.

"Now let's end this, once-and-for-all." Ozai said, starting to send fire blasts at me.

I dodged most of them. He sent even more, with ten times the power, it was too much. I then made an earth shield, it would protect me for long enough. Ozai got frustrated at sending fire at me, and not hitting me directly. He sent even more fire at me, with More power. I was beginning to sweat, it was becoming hard to hold the shield for any longer. Until, he suddenly stopped, I was confused but didn't let my guard down, he could be plotting something. Until I felt all the power of one hundred Suns, coming towards me, it blew me away, with my earth shield. Only for some random piece of earth to hit me right, in my wound. I saw everything what happened to me since: the day I was trapped in ice, when I met Katara and Sokka, when I met Zuko, when I met the kyoshi warriors and Suki, when I met Toph, when Azula shot me with lightning. It all came back at me like a boomerang. Hitting me hard. I suddenly felt thousands of spirits take over my body, I felt powerful. I felt..... Like I was in the avatar state.

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