Earthbending with my forever girl

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Ok ladies and gentlemen. This is the story of how aang learned how to earthbend. It is not normal, it's different. So be ready. Don't say I didn't warn you.


Aang's pov

It was the day I was gonna learn earthbending. I was so excited.

I almost shoved my breakfast down my throat.

Katara said I should take my time. Toph will tell me when to come.

It still didn't calm me down.

Toph was normal she got up as usual. But as she finished eating her breakfast. She was ready.

"Alright, Twinkle Toes. Are you ready to chuck some rocks today!" Toph shouted, in a commanding voice.

I had to obey her. She was my boss. She was a leader. And without thinking twice I replied.

"Yes sifu Toph!" I exclaimed.

"Well, time's a wasting. Let's start now. Follow me. " Toph said.

I followed her into a Rocky area. A great place to earthbend.
It had a huge boulder in front of her. She pointed at it. Saying " Move that rock. With earthbending." She said , sternly.

"Like this!" She shouted. With a quick movement of her hand, the rock went flying into a pile of rocks.

I have to admit. She is an amazing earthbender. But she also makes it look easy. When it's not.

I tried and tried to move the rock like she did. But it didn't move. It was stubborn.

I only pushed myself backwards. Onto Appa's back.

Toph told me to try again. I was honestly getting angry.

Any mistakes I made she would correct it. Telling me why and how I can improve it.

She also said that I move too much like an air bender. Earth is a stubborn element. So you have to be more stubborn to master it. If you treat it like air. You'll make a fool of yourself.

I was on the ground. She was above me head to head. Telling me this.

I blushed.

I tried hours and hours non-stop. Trying to move a rock. Toph wasn't making it easier.

Katara suggested I get a break. Toph let me go, but, not really?

Sokka left to go hunt. Gets stuck in a crevice. Meets foo-foo cuddlypoops.  Stays there for the longest while.

I sat on a rock, not so far from the place I was training with Toph. I was meditating, Momo on my shoulder. Feet crossed. Eyes closed, trying to calm myself.

After a while. Toph came. She sat a few feet from me. I did not open my eyes. But I heard something in her hand. Like, I don't know, nuts?

As she sat down she said " Hey Aang. I Was digging through your stuff, and I found these bag of nuts. I took them anyways. And anyways your to much of pushover to do anything about it."

Love At First Sight (Taang)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang