My descent into maddness

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Aang's pov

"My descent into madness. My descent into madness. My descent into madness." Those same sentences swirled my mind non-stop. I couldn't sleep, literally, like why me spirits?! The comet is coming just now and I'm literally going insane. And, some of you guys maybe don't believe me, but when I tell you, I witnessed Appa and Momo talk. They fought and quarreled, and um...... Appa stood on his two legs, not normal, for the average ten ton flying bison.

I tried to sleep, but I have... Weird nightmares I rather not talk about. One of them is, when I get tested on maths on the day of the comet, and I forgot to learn it! Now I must learn, maths starting with counting sheep.


Toph's pov

Aang is going completely insane, he told me I need to use the washroom more often. I'm starting to get worried, and worrying is Katara's job. I can understand why Aang is worried, y'know the comet is just a few weeks here,  and he doesn't know how to firebend. Sounds stressful to me. But, he descended fully into insanity. He told us that Appa and Momo could talk, then told Sokka he should climb a cliff, told Katara that she needs to hold her hair up more often, and said I needed to use the washroom more often. The reason for all those comments all came from the same source.

We managed to calm him enough for him to go to sleep. Then he woke up again, this time, attacking the 'noodle Ozai' portrait he made in the Fire Nation school. He missed everytime, it's not like Aang to miss a target, that's to tell you he was not focused on the target, it all came from: rage and panic. He was not patient as he should be, he was not focus as he should be, he was not my Aang as he should be.

Aang was only making himself more crazy than he already was, and disrupting our sleep. Sokka definitely didn't like that, we couldn't stand to see him in this condition, so we had to interfere.

Sokka gave him the "Therapy session" Which Aang was thankful for, but said it didn't work.

Katara took him to a sauna, to help with the stress and calm him down, he was thankful for her help, but said it yet still didn't work.

I gave him and earthbending massage, actually more than one. I don't think it was comfortable for him, as it probably works out better for us earthbenders. He was thankful for my help, but yet still he said it didn't help, but he told me the massage helped a little bit. My heart just swelled, it was sweet, but we need to try harder, I need to try harder.

Aang just went around pacing around our camping area, up and down side to side, you name it. He wasn't even twinkling his toes, his footsteps were heavy. He just told himself the weirdest stuff, like "don't forget his pants" I am confused, what kind of dreams is he having, you see, I don't even want to know.

He started to daydream a little more than the average Aang does. A few days earlier, he day-drempt, about me, I think.
He was in a weird position, like holding someone or something. He sounded like he was kissing that person? Not sure. He said something about, "your my forever girl, baby" I almost choked on air. I asked what he was dreaming about, he lied and said.

"Umm, I...I was, dreaming about, living underwater?"

"Oh okay cool, yea I know your lying." I replied leaving a blushing Aang.

Yea, how does Aang expect me to believe that! Not even a deaf badger mole would believe that.


The gaang and I tried everything we could to get Aang to sleep, but again and again he would tell us some crap, about this and that.

At this point, Sokka ignored his presence. He just went and sleep, he didn't even acknowledge that he exsisted.

Katara was starting to get tired, she told me I am the only hope left to help Aang. I understood that the only way to help him, was to go against my standards.

I walked up slowly towards Aang. I had to take a deep breath in order to do this.

"Aang, your going insane, and we're all worried, I know your under a lot of pressure, because of the comet and stuff like that. But, it doesn't means that's the perfect time to panic. So..... Please go to sleep and get some rest for tomorrow, do this for me Aang, will you?" I whispered in the most kind tone I possibly could think of.

I could practically feel Aang smiling at me, he placed a hand on my shoulder, and pulled me in a hug.

"Of course I will, I will do anything for you Toph." Aang whispered.

I smiled back, finally after all our work was in vain, we finally got Aang to calm down. We had a little surprise for Aang, a comfy surprise.

After we broke our hug, I guided Aang to a soft bed made out of sheep's fur.

"Aang here is a bed made just for you." I said.

"Yea buddy, just for you." Sokka said encouragingly.

"Just for you Aang." Said Katara.

Aang just smiled at us, and said: "Really, for me? All for me?"

"Yes, twinkle toes, just for you. " I said.

"Aww, you guys shouldn't have." Replied Aang.

"Aang that's what friends are for." We all said simultaneously.

Aang just hugged us ever so tightly, we hugged him briefly, he was kinda confused.

"Aang, let's not stop you from getting a good night's rest." I said.

Aang immediately jumped on the fluffy cloud, only to immediately fall asleep, soundly. I could only smile, my job is done, Aang is sleeping, and everyone has nothing to worry about.

I felt a huge weight lifted off my shoulder, as Aang fell asleep. Katara and Sokka looked that way also, they looked happy, finally to get some sleep.

I went back into my earth tent, Sokka and Katara went back to where they were sleeping. As that cold, smooth earth hit my face, I fell into a deep sleep, full of positive dreams, the best type of dreams.

"Sleep well Twinkle toes." I thought.

Well, I'm done, with this chapter, I enjoyed making this, it was really good indeed, I felt this was needed y'know a nice taang moment with Aang going crazy the gaang (Toph) here to help him. Well sorry I didn't update, I forgot about it and was busy. Oh yea and the next chapter is gonna be long, may or may not have zutara, and will take a while to publish so be patient with me. Well, with that.
Bye luvs❤
Natalia out.

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