problems for the world (part two)

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Aang's pov

Let's just say that, you're earthbending teacher just left. You shouted at her and well she's possibly not coming back. Well that is what happened with Toph and I.

We we're quarreling about Appa she said the reason lightning girl always found us is because Appa is shedding.

I didn't like her putting the blame on Appa and well. I told her I..... I..... Didn't need her. My eyes widened in realization. I tried to tell her I was sorry but she didn't want to hear it.

Sokka tried too.

I now feel like a jerk. For telling her that. I always let my anger get the best if me. And shouting at a friend you love. Is going to far.

Katara also felt dumb too. For mothering her and quarreling with her too.

Sokka was just sleepy. Just drinking tea.

"I feel like a jerk for quarreling with Toph." katara admitted

" Yeah. You two were pretty much jerks," Sokka said.

"Thanks, sokka. " Katara said in a whisper.

"No problem. " Sokka replied.

I most of all. Have to make it up to her somehow. But for now I should give her some space.

Toph's pov

What? Does aang not understand. Appa is shedding. Lightning freak is following us. And you tell me you don't need me! That hurt Aang. It really did. A tear threatened to come out, but I held it in with a little sob. I can't cry. I never will. Toph beifong never Cries!

I was walking aimlessly. No destination in mind. Until I met someone.

We met umm.. How can I put this, well. We met by: He was in a nearby bush not far from me. I felt someone in my presence. So I basically put him in pain with earthbending. By accident. This is how he looks, toph is not describing him bc she can't see, so well I'm describing uncle iroh individually.He looked old, had a white beard. A straw hat. Earth kingdom clothing.

A wave of pity washed over me. I felt horrible for making this innocent man. Feel my wrath.

He rubbed his behind, several times in pain.

He groaned. He was on his knees.

"Oh, sorry about that. " I said, almost in a whisper.

" It's ok." He got up onto his feet. Standing up.

"Why are you out here all alone? " He asked.

I really didn't like when people are nosy. Especially people you now met.

"What're are You doing out here? " I asked.

He just chuckled at my statement.

I just looked down at the ground saying " My friends didn't need me, so I left." I said remembering Aang.

He slightly frowned, at my statement.

"Why don't we have some tea, and you'll tell me about it? " He simply said, looking for my approval.

I apparently agreed. I'm not sure why I said yes? I'm not really one you can talk to about my feelings or thoughts. I hide them. Or you'll get a punch. Something made me say 'yes' I wonder what. Like I can trust him. He can help me. Just like what I felt when I talked to Aang.

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