Chapter One

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Sorry I haven't uploaded anything in forever. First my laptop broke, then I had writer's block, and now I'm just making up excuses so anyways here is a new book I'm starting! Hope you guys like it but, it might be a little confusing in the beginning. The song on the side doesn't really have to do with the story but, I love it and was listening to it as I wrote so listen if you want to!

Darkness. Pain. As I'm brought back to consciousness a stinging sensation flashes across my right cheek.

That bitch just doesn't quit does she? My thoughts brought some of the pain down but only enough so that I could focus on what was really important. Adrian. He was the reason I got into this mess. He was my mate. My perfect match and knowing the people who's company I was in they were probably using me to get to him. I couldn't let that happen. No matter how bad it felt when they hit me, it would hurt a thousand times more if the bruises were on his face. I felt a small tug and the familiar feeling of him slipping into my thoughts took over.

Shit! Get out of my head! I could almost see the hurt I knew my attitude had caused him but he couldn't find me now. This was my choice not his. If he came now all of it would be a waste.

Adrian's sweet voice filled my head and it was tempting to tell him everything. Where I was, what they were doing, and that I wanted nothing more then to be wrapped back into his arms again.

"Baby, please just tel me where you are. I can help you but, you have to tell me! It's killing me knowing that you're not safe. Knowing that you're somewhere with" his thoughts paused a moment and I could- once again- feel the anguish coming out of his 'voice'. "them. Sam, please, please, tell me where you are. I can make it all stop." I almost couldn't take it. He made it sound so easy. Just tell him where I am and everything will stop. It seemed so simple and then the hand lashed at my face again and brought me back to my present situation.

"Adrian I can't! You know why I can't! If they're doing this to me, what would they do to you?" He didn't say anything after that and soon I felt him slip from my head. My thoughts were my own again and I couldn't help but think, How did I get myself into this?

It all started as a normal morning. Everything seemed normal anyway. I was getting dressed and had just pulled my shirt over the make-shift ballet bun in my hair, when my door was kicked open. Two men stormed into the room and as I backed away in three quick steps they both came forward. I managed to get in a couple of good punches before the more muscular of the two restrained my hands and the other grabbed my feet. I squirmed and moved as much as possible but, it never occurred to me that I should scream. I felt my foot connect a couple of times, but nothing to do any major damage. With all the fight gone out of me, I was set into a Black SUV parked in front of my house and tried to look out at the blur that surrounded us.

What the hell is going on? Who are these guys and how much danger am I really in?

The blond in the passenger seat (he looked like the one who had grabbed my feet) turned to me. He had a dirty looking, bloodstained napkin pressed to his nose, and a nasty mark on his jaw. I smiled a little at the satisfaction that brought me. At least I left a mark.

"Samantha Montgomery. Why are you here?" His face was serious but, I couldn't believe he was asking me such a stupid question.

"What do you mean why am I here? I'm here because you two assholes grabbed me out of my room! I don't know why I'm here other then that! Seems like a pretty stupid thing to ask." I crossed my arms. My bun hadn't held up in the fight and my dirty blond curls fell around my face, the ends wetting through my thin t-shirt. He gave me a look of disapproval then turned back to his partner.

"Dimitri, she has no idea what's going on. Did Emily tell her anything?" Dimitri kept his eyes on the road and reply with enough attitude that it rivaled mine.

"Josh, shut up. If she doesn't know anything then Emily doesn't want her to know anything yet." Dimitri's blue eyes flashed at Josh for a moment before meeting my eyes in the mirror. His brown hair looked unruffled and his face was left without a scratch or scrape. Nothing was out of place on him and this caused my smile to drop.

If I hadn't managed to even rumpled his hair or cause him to break a sweat, how was i getting out of here? As if he could read my thoughts the stranger flashed a wicked smile in my direction and then returned his attention to the road.

"Don't worry, we won't hurt you. That is we won't hurt you if you behave. Now, if you don't," The evil smile crept higher up his cheeks. As far as comforting went that look made me want to cuddle a porcupine. "Well let's just say you better be on your best behavior. Get some sleep. It's a long drive and you'll have plenty to do when we get there."

My head reeled with all the questions I wanted to ask him but, the look on his face told me I had better fall asleep, and fast. I closed my eyes and leaned against the door as a soft, sweet, comforting, voice pulled itself into my head. Don't worry angel, they won't hurt and everything going to be okay soon. With that I felt the slight tug and knew whatever -or who ever- it was, wasn't there anymore. I fell into a deep, blissful sleep as my problems seemed to melt around me.

Dreams never came to me, and if they did I didn’t remember them. The only thing I remembered was green. Lots and lots of green, blurring past us as we sped along the highway.

When my eyes opened, we were at a gas station in what seemed like the middle of no where. The doors were all locked and Dimitri and Josh must have been inside the building. As I thought about escape, I saw the door of the convenience store open to reveal the blond and brunette men holding me captive. Out of instinct my head dropped back down to lean against the door once more and my eyelids snapped shut just before Dimitri's door opened.

"I know you aren't sleeping anymore but, do please continue the act. It's rather amusing.”

I cautiously lifted my head from the seat. As Dimitri sat at the wheel, the smell of sweet deep-fried dough filled the small space. He turned, holding a small white box out to me.

“Want some? They're pretty good.” He opened the box and took out a small chocolate frosted doughnut. My eyes lit into a glare as I spoke.

“How do I know you aren't trying to poison me? Besides I'm not hungry.”

Just as the statement left my mouth, my stomach rumbled in defiance and for the second time, I felt a mental tug.

Please Angel, eat. You'll need your strength soon. Soon we shall meet.” I felt my hand go into the box and retreat a glaze covered ring of grease, and take a bite. Dimitri laughed from the front seat.

“You should go back to sleep, we still have a long way.”

And with that, I inhaled the rest of my breakfast and fell asleep with my head on the window.

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