"It is a bit loud, yes."

"Guess ya get used to it... don't notice so much after a while." James turned to the rest of the group, enjoying this newfound 'foreman' position. "Oi! Keep it down. Little Lord says we bein' too loud." The men chortled amongst themselves, murmuring and rolling their eyes, but did their best to be quiet, mostly just to observe this dangerous interaction.

"Thank you." Ciel said quietly, moving away from him, feigning interest in the project. He ran his gloved fingers over the chestnut headboard and pushed at it, making it thump back against the wall. James looked back over his shoulder, watching Ciel, and Sebastian kept his eyes on both of them, eyes bright crimson and full of fury and spite. "Mister Falkner?"

"James." He stood approaching Ciel and stood beside him, a little too close for Sebastian's liking. The butler kicked the teacart gently making the China rattle and James looked back at him with a knowing smirk, taking a step away from Ciel.

"James." He thunked the headboard against the wall again. "This will have to be secured... I won't have it making such a racket while I sleep." James laughed quietly and nodded, looking at Ciel shrewdly and licked his lips before he spoke.

"Don't worry, little Lord. I'll make sure it don't make no sounds... won't nobody know if you're movin' around..." Ciel smiled up at him and nodded himself, turning on his heel and moved away from James to look over the rest of the bed.

"Very good." Feeling eyes on him, the young Earl looked over to Sebastian, who looked as though he we ready to explode with rage. He ran his fingers over the bedpost, feeling the ornate woodwork, eyes on Sebastian, absolutely reveling in the jealousy he saw there. "I like it. I will require the rest of the set, now that I've seen the first piece in person."

"Yes, my Lord. I'll be sure to place the order right away." Sebastian checked his pocket watch and tapped his fingers impatiently on the back of the chair, eyes narrowed and fixed on Ciel as he started to slowly approach. The bluenette winked at Sebastian and sat down, legs crossed primly at the knee, book resting unopened on his lap. He smiled sweetly up at Sebastian and opened the book, flipping to a page and feigned interest in it, glancing at James when he had the opportunity to do so doing what he could to keep the worker's attention without being terribly obvious. Sebastian leaned over Ciel's shoulder, his voice barely above a whisper as he spoke; even at such a low volume, irritation laced his tone and its presence made Ciel smile.

"Is there a point to this little game of yours, Bocchan?" Grinning down at his book, the little Earl scoffed, shaking his head.

"Shut up. I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about." Sebastian grumbled and poured a cup of tea, offering it to Ciel.

The crew began the cleanup, and the final preparations were in place for the mattress to be brought in. A few of the men had already left, and Sebastian was cleaning up from tea when James approached, standing before Ciel, looking down at him with a little smile.

"So, uh... little Lord..." Sebastian spoke up, his back turned to them as he finished with the cart.

"His name is Ciel Phantomhive, Earl of the Phantomhive estate, Watchdog of the Queen. Not 'little lord'. Show some respect, Mister Falkner." As he was scolded, James raised his eyebrows, looking from Sebastian to Ciel, who rolled his eyes and shook his head. Green eyes smiled down at the Earl and James nodded.

"Sorry... uh..."

"Lord Phantomhive is sufficient." Ciel said, closing his book, smiling kindly up at him, sapphire eye sparkling.

"Lord Phantomhive... We're done 'ere... s'all good and fitted in. That headboard..." he motioned over his shoulder. "... bolted it in m'self. Ain't gonna move on ya, won't make no sound neither." Sebastian turned to them, the fury in his eyes nearly palpable.

"Very good, Mister Falkner."

"Call me James..."

"James." Ciel offered his gloved hand and James took it, pausing a moment before he pressed his lips against slender, gloved fingers. Sebastian ground his teeth and turned away, unable to stand the sight of another man, much less one of these men, with hands on his Master. Ciel took back his hands, placing both in his lap on top of his book, and James continued.

"So, uh... we was wonderin'... what happened with the other one? Takes a lot to pop one of them old ones... looked like somethin' hit it in the center there..." Ciel blushed a little and smiled, looking away. He picked at his gloves, taking a moment before he answered, glancing back at Sebastian quickly before he spoke.

"Well... if you must know... James... it would seem my butler has a bit of a temper and lacks a certain amount of restraint..." Sebastian glared at James, placing his hand on Ciel's shoulder, squeezing it harshly. Ciel pulled his shoulder away, looking up to Sebastian. "He is temperamental... but loyal." Sebastian rolled his eyes and dropped his hand back to his side. James' eyes widened as the image of Ciel and Sebastian in bed flashed through his mind, an amused smile curling his lips. He laughed and nodded.

"Him, huh? Guess that explains a few things..." James replied quietly, fierce green eyes meeting crimson ones in a silent battle for dominance. Sebastian won and James looked away. "Anyway... yeah if yer wantin' the rest of the set... Mickey can have the bits together in a couple weeks... you make sure you lemme know... personally... I'll get a crew in here straight away." Ciel smiled shyly and nodded, enjoying the show as the two men all but fought over him in his own bedroom. Sebastian sighed loudly and nodded, having found his patience being worn thin.

"I believe that's more than enough..." he came out from behind the chair and blocked James' view of Ciel, motioning towards the door. "I will be contacting your foreman for the rest of the set within the week. If you please, Mister Falkner..." James nodded and started towards the door, followed closely by Sebastian, who ushered him into the hallway quickly, closing the door behind them, leaving Ciel alone in his room with a brand-new unmade bed. The young Lord smiled to himself and stood; his plan was going to work; he just knew it.

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