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Vivienne had all but given up on sitting at the front of class especially after the embarrassment she had felt but as she stared at the empty chair in the front row she couldn't help but debate with herself how over the whole chair thing she was.

Vivienne knew it was only a matter of minutes before Professor Dalloway would enter and the lecture would begin so Vivienne made a decision, taking her things into her arms and making her way up to the chair getting there just Mr Dalloway entered the room .

Mr Dalloway's eyes scanned the room looking up to where Vivienne normally sat a look of confusion on his face. Vivienne watched as Mr Dalloway made his way to his desk beginning to go through the roll. "Vivienne Lavigne."

"Here" Vivienne responded.

Mr Dalloway's eyes snapped up from his laptop to Vivienne studying her face quickly before making his way through the rest of the names. Mr Dalloway's class continued at normal and Vivienne had convinced herself at the end that there was nothing there.

She had convinced herself that he really had only asked her to sit at the front because she had nearly gotten herself run over and that there was no hidden meanings behind him calling her to stay behind but sure enough Vivienne was proved wrong.

Once again students began to file out but this time Vivienne was one of the first "Ms Lavigne, could you stay behind a minute?"

Most students continued their way out while some eyed Vivienne but inevitbly continued on their way.The room was silent for a minute after the last student left before Professor Monroe spoke "Vivienne go shut the door."

Vivienne made her way straight to the door sliding the stopper out and holding the door as it closed to prevent it slamming and also to buy her some time. It seemed she was taking too long though. "Vivienne now."

Vivienne made her way over to Mr Monroe who was standing leaning against his desk, straightening up and taking a step closer to Vivienne when she reached him. Vivienne was to anxious to look at him opting to stare down at her feet.

"Look at me when I speak to you Vivienne." Mr Monroe ordered.

Vivienne looked up to see Mr Monroe's stern gaze "Who were you with yesterday?"

Vivienne was confused "What?"

"Who were you with yesterday?" Each word was said slowly as Professor Monroe stared down at her his gaze unwavering unlike Vivienne who was struggling to keep eye contact.


That didn't seem to be a good enough answer for Mr Monroe "Who the fuck is Carlos?" The aggression in his voice should have scared Vivienne but she found herself having a very different reaction instead of fear making her hear race it was something else entirely and the wet patch her panties surely had was from anything but fear or maybe it was fear maybe she liked the fear of what he could do to her at that moment Vivienne didn't know.

"He's my friend."

Mr Monroe scoffed "He wasn't looking at you like a friend." Vivienne didn't know where the confidence came from but she found herself responding boldly "Why does it matter to you?" Mr Monroe raised a mocking eyebrow taking a step back.

"I have no problem with you having freinds Vivienne I don't care what gender they are or who they are but do not say I didn't warn you Vivienne."

What was that suppose to mean, she could be friends with Carlos but she couldn't?

When nothing else was said Vivieen asumed she was meant to leave but one last thing was called out to her before she left. "I expect to see you sitting in the front from now on."

Vivienne didn't say anything in return, she didn't know what she could say she was that confused. First he asks her to sit near the front then he tells her not to and then he tells her to sit in the front again, Gods this man was confusing.

Vivienne wasn't going to waste anything though she knew now that some sort of feelings were there there had to be if he was jealous. He was jealous wasn't he? No Vivienne couldn't question it again he was jealous.

He liked her or at least had some sort of feelings for her and she liked him.

If only it was that simple though, it could be if the fact that he was her teacher didn't exist.It would also be helpful if he wasn't twenty one years her elder or if she didn't having feelings for another man or her wanting some seriously weird things done to her that she was had almost managed to convince herself he would never be into.

There was always that little voice there pointing out little things, pointing out how age was merely a number, how easy it would be to hide it, how he already seemed so dominant. Even the little voice though couldn't come up with a solution for the whole other man she had a crush on, how would she ever explain that?

'Hey I have a crush on both you and a man you work with that i'm pretty sure your friends with and would like for you both to do unspeakable things to me if we could ignore the whole student teacher thing.' That was not going to happen it was simply a fantasy in Vivienne's head.

Little did Vivienne know her stressing was pointless as the two men she was so worried about already knew how to fix all of her problems that were far from a fantasy.

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