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Vivienne had made it through her first week of classes with no problem, she had't quite managed to make any friends but she thought that she had been making progress with her roommate who's name she had found to be Blessin.

She hadn't heard the name before but it suited her, Vivienne was glad she wouldn't have to come up with another name for her roommate as she was sure her roommate would take offence if she accidentally said it out loud and the last thing Vivienne wanted was for her roommate to hate her.

Mr Dalloway's classes had been cancelled to which Vivienne found herself rather upset,why she couldn't quite figure out but it had.

Having not made any friends yet Vivienne decided to visit the college's library which was open to student even on weekends.

Knocking on Blessin's door Vivienne stood patiently waiting for Blessin to open the door, not wanting to intrude on her space. The door swung open revealing Blessin looking stunning as always wearing a body-con dress that complimented her figure, her makeup done to perfection.

"What is it?"

"Oh, sorry I was just wondering if you would like to come to the library with me?"

"I have plans." Blessin responded looking annoyed that the conversation was even taking place.

"Maybe some other time then, you look lovely by the way." Vivienne was disappointed and couldn't help wondering where Blessin was going it wasn't too late in the evening only just gone 6pm. Vivienne knew she was jealous, Blessin had already made so many friend, Vivienne often hearing them laughing in her room.

"I don't like libraries."

"Thats okay we can do something else, only if you want of course no pressure."

"Mhm, I need to finish getting ready so-"

Vivienne took that as her time to leave giving a quick goodbye wishing Blessin a fun time before heading to grab her keys and student card.

The library was beautiful, like everything else in the college had an older feel to it. The details in the library had shocked Vivienne, even the wooden bookshelves had designs engraved into them.

Vivienne had spent over an hour just walking around looking at the different sections, most of the books towards the front were books about Law or other subjects students would need but the further back Vivienne walked the less non-fiction books there were.

As Vivienne had went through the books she'd picked up a few along the way, intending to borrow them using her student card. Vivienne pulled a book out from its shelf eyeing its cover for a few seconds before turning it over to read the back skimming over words to the last paragraph.

Follow along as Charlotte tries to manage her attraction to a man much too old for her who just so happens to be her dads bestfriend.

And what happens when he feels the same and unlike Charlotte wont hold back.

Vivienne didn't know why the book ended up in the small pile she had gathered, it wasn't her usual type of book but something about it had struck a chord with her, and it didn't really matter anyways, no one would know and if she didn't like it she could stop reading it.

There was no way Vivienne could express how happy she was for the colleges technology, in the corner right to the very front what looked like a self checkout had been built, hidden away as not to ruin the ancient feel.

Vivienne scanned her books then scanned her card, the books officially under her care and tucked them under her arm as she began to walk out of the building. Vivienne could nearly say she was excited to start the book, once again reading over the back unaware of the slight thud against the floor every couple of seconds.

It wasn't until Vivienne ran straight into someone, her books falling to the floor as well as a clatter sounding after it that Vivienne realized she wasn't alone in the corridor.

Vivienne immediately began to apologies diving to the floor to collect her boo only just noticing the mans cane which made her feel even worse for slamming into him.

"Im so sorry." Vivienne apologized again handing the man back his cane as she stood only just looking up at him.

It was in that moment Vivienne realized she was beginning too develop a problem, first Mr Dalloway and now the man standing in front of her. It wasn't a new thing to Vivienne to find older men attractive no matter how much she tried to convince herself otherwise but it was getting out of hand.

Vivienne who didn't quite know what else to say resorted to staring at the man taking in his features, shes already embarrassed herself enough and it couldn't get much worse so she might as well get a good luck while she could.

Her gaze only moved as the man, with the aid of his cane, reached to the floor picking up a book she had missed. When Vivienne saw which book it was her cheeks immediately tinted, maybe he wouldn't notice the cover where wrists could be seen ropes clearly tied around them.

Vivienne wasn't spared though, reaching for the held out book only for it to be pulled back just as she reached for it. Trying to save herself Vivienne reached for the book again only for her wrist to be grabbed millimetres from the book.

"We do not snatch."

Vivienne was embarrassed by her behavior as her wrist was released and at herself for even borrowing the book she had just been so curious. "Im sorry sir, can I please have it back."

Viviennes request was ignored as he flipped over the cover and began reading the back his eyebrow raising as he got further down when he was done instead of handing the book back he flipped the book open skipping over the first two pages when he couldn't find what he was looking for.

He stopped on the third page, somewhere Vivienne had not gotten to yet seeming to find what he was looking for, after a minute he spoke.

"Warning the following pages will contain a large age-gap mentions of bondage,degradation, humiliation, praise and other forms of BDSM, proceed with caution."

The man closed the book looking directly at Vivienne who was struggling to make eye contact after hearning what the book said, not that she would have been much better in different circumstances.

"Now do tell me what a girl like you is doing reading a book like this."

Vivienne didn't know why she felt the need to explain herself to him but she did. "I didn't read that far in sir, I promise, I wouldn't have gotten it if I had of known."

Vivienne honestly didn't know if she would have gotten the book or not had she of known BDSM wasn't a term she knew but it felt familiar but she wasn't stupid, she knew it would have something to do with the other things just mentioned some of which she had stumbled upon during her time online.

"I do not like liars Ms?"

"Lavigne, Vivienne Lavigne, and im not lying sir."Vivienne tried to keep her tone polite even though all she wanted was to escape, a feeling which seemed to becoming a frequent one yet one she chose to ignore.

Killian hummed already assuming the girls identity."Well Ms Lavigne, do enjoy your book and you may call me Mr Monroe, Killian if you wish."

With a simple wish of a good night after handing the book back he was gone, confidently walking down the corridor the sound of his cane clicking against the floor leaving a stunned Vivienne who had just came to the realization that she had been conversation the dean of the school.

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