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Over a week had passed since Viviennes conversation with Professor Dalloway and not a word had been said since Vivienne had went from being one of the last to leave the room to the very first up out of their seat and every time she felt professor Dalloways gaze on her she would try her best not to meet it, the task surprisingly easy.

Though that didn't mean she didn't think of him, quite the opposite actually her mind was in full swing wasting its astonishing ability's on dirty scenes and not only had Professor Dalloway made an appearance so had Mr Monroe on more than one occasion.

Vivienne pulled her mind away from her thoughts deciding class wasn't the best place for them trying her best to pay attention the the kind woman who was giving the lecture.

It was Wednesday so Vivienne had already had a class in the morning and had another an hour after the one that was currently taking place which was just over. When the class finished Vivienne made her way out thanking the teacher who called her back just as Vivienne had got to the door. "Vivienne the dean has requested you in his office are you okay to make your way there now?"

Vivienne nodded once again thanking the teacher, only beginning to allow the panic to settle in when she left the room. He couldn't expel her over the book could he? Oh God he could, couldn't he?

Vivienne was lucky she knew where his office was from her walks between classes otherwise she would have spent a long time wandering around looking for it only giving her more time to worry.

Vivienne knocked on the office door waiting for a response before entering

"Ms Lavigne, do come in and take a seat."

Vivienne made her way over to one of the two chairs on the oposite side of Mr Monroe's desk nervously ringing her fingers together. "Mr Monroe about the book I-"

"Have you finished it yet?"

Vivienne shook her head no, to lie or not to lie. 'I do not like liars Ms?' Recalling his words Vivienne decided it best to be honest "I only started it last night." Vivienne hadn't failed to notice how at least ninety-five percent of the time she had spent around Mr Monroe she had spent with her cheeks a violent color of red.

"I see you've remembered what I said about liars and do tell, what page are you on?"

Oh God, Vivienne did not want to answer that question "Mr Monroe, might I ask why I'm here?"

"Page Vivienne"

That was the first time he had said her name and Gods was it good to hear. Vivienne was sure she could see Mr Monroe smirking no doubt after seeing her clench her legs shut. "One hundred and thirty six."

It seemed like a lot but the book was just nearly eight hundred pages long and to Vivienne it seemed like she had barley made a dent in the book.

"Ms Lavigne as Im sure you are able to tell Im not exactly capable to be running all over the school to deliver messages and I am in need of assistance, of course if you are willing you will be payed accordingly but a schedule cannot be exact I will be able to get a copy of your timetable as not to disturb you in classes."

Vivienne was shocked, she had expected to be expelled not offered a job, the topic of the book dropped with in seconds. Vivienne wasn't too sure what to say "May I have some time to think it over sir- sorry i mean Mr Monroe."

Mr Monroe's eyes furrowed at her change but he didn't bring it up instead nodding. "Take all the time you need, do you have a phone, I can give you a number to contact me on when you've made your decision."

Vivienne reached down into her bag pulling out her phone, the screen cracked from her dropping it multiple times handing it over to Mr Monroe, not having a password.

Mr Monroe tapped the screen a few times before handing it back to her. "Thank you and if i do decide to take it a payment won't be necessary."

"Nonsense you work, you will be payed."


"Vivienne do not argue with me, its final."

Vivienne felt like a puppet at his words immediately nodding along, looking up at the clock behind his head noticing how close her class was but not wanting to be rude leaving "Im assuming you have class soon so you may leave, you can text me with your response when you have decided and Vivienne do not stress yourself out about this, its your choice."

For some reason him telling her not to stress calmed her down, how did he know she was going to stress over it?

Vivienne opened the door turning one last time to say a final goodbye and wishing Mr Monroe a good day only to turn back around, coming face to face with Professor Dalloway who was standing extremely close to her clearly just about to open the door.

For a few minutes the pair just stood looking at each other before Vivienne snapped out of it only greeting with a nod of acknowledgement and a simple "Professor Dalloway" before brushing past him and heading back to her dorm where she could think about the job offer and ignore the hurt look she had pretended not to see in Professor Dalloways eyes.

Vivienne didn't know why he'd looked hurt it couldn't have been about her, he had no reason to be upset over her he was the one who had been cold with her, who had acted like she was a student but thats what she was and no matter how much she tried to pretend maybe he could have some sort of feelings for her she knew that the marks on his neck proved otherwise, maybe she had just seen wrong.

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