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Vivienne had spent all weekend staring at the book though it felt more like the book had been staring at her.

When she had reached her dorm Vivienne had done thorough research on the topic of BDSM and it was clear to her that Mr Monroe had known exactly what it was, the thought making Vivienne unusually excited the thought of him doing something like that to her-

He was a teacher,not even he was the dean and also the owner of the school there was no way he would go for her like that it was wrong so very wrong yet Vivienne's brain was ever so active. She had to keep reminding herself that just because he knew what it was didn't mean he was interested in it and even reflecting back to herself was she interested in it?

Looking up at the clock made Vivienne realize she would have to leave soon even though class didn't start for over fifteen minutes and it was barley a five minute walk away. Vivienne was hoping Mr Dalloway would be back and in a strange way wanted to please him and being sitting at the front if he was.

Vivienne threw her tea into a travel mug unwilling to leave it behind and made her way out of her dorm not saying goodbye to Blessin as she didn't want to wake her, locking the dorm behind her and making the journey to her class.

The room was empty when she got there but slowly more and more people began to enter heading straight to seats they had claimed as theirs, one girl in particular walking straight up to Vivienne "Your in my seat."

Vivienne was stuck between staying to try please Mr Dalloway and starting a fight with the girl or just getting up and giving the girl her seat. The first option seemed stupid in itself so Vivienne picked up her bag apologizing to the girl while trying to find another seat close to the front but none were available so Vivienne made her way back to the back plopping down in the chair.

Mr Dalloway soon arrived Vivienne not failing to notice how his eyes scanned across the front row disappointment flashing through his eyes, his eyes eventually meeting hers through the students but didn't linger.

Not a sign of acknowledgement was made throughout the entire class and Vivienne was nearly panicked by it struggling to concentrate on her notes.

When the class ended Vivienne couldn't wait for the other students to leave the room taking her time putting away her things going straight to Mr Dalloway's desk when the last student left.

Mr Dalloway who had been organizing papers didn't even look up at her but it didn't matter to Vivienne, the urge to explain herself to great to be ignored. "I did try to sit at the front sir, I even got here early but I was in someones seat so I had to move, I promise though next time I will."

Mr Dalloway finally looked up at Vivienne "Theres no need, is that everything?"

It was only when he had looked up Vivienne noticed the faint marks peaking out from in under his shirt collar, marks that could only be seen from up close. Jealousy was a feeling Vivienne hated and the jealousy flowing through her right now was unmatched.

"Yes sir"

Vivienne quickly turned to leave not wanting him to see the tears gathering, he would think she was pathetic having a crush on her teacher after two encounters especially with him having a partner.

"And Vivienne I would prefer if you refrained from calling me sir Mr Dalloway or Professor Dalloway will do just fine."

"Of course professor."

Not only did Vivienne feel jealous she now felt humiliated beyond belief no matter how unrealistic it was she couldn't help it and Vivienne had a feeling her feelings for her professor would only get stronger over time, she could only hope she wouldn't embarrass herself like this again in front of him.

Why would he have wanted her to sit at the front?

Maybe he could see her childish crush straight away and wanted to embarrass her or let her know it was unrealistic whatever the reason it couldn't change the way Vivienne felt.

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