"Oi, hey. It's not your fault. You're okay. I promise." I let go of the cold water button and twist the lid on tightly.

"No one's in trouble, and besides, punishments aren't a bad thing, it just depends on the punishment being given." I hear her hum in agreement after reassuring her.

I smile slightly after taking a drink. "I noticed you had a new outfit? Did someone choose I for you?"

She rests her chin on my head, "Yeah, Clocky picked it out for me, said I looked cute in it." My smile widens.

"Well she did a great job. Tell her I said good job on the outfit, it suits you well." She giggles.

"Or you can just tell me yourself." A feminine voice is heard from behind me, turning around I feel Sally's head lift.

"Clocky!" Her hands let go of my chin making grabby hands towards her. Lifting her over my head I give her to the person in front of me.

"Good job on the outfit, now take this child, I'm going to go take a nap. Sal, I'll be in my room if you need me or get scared." She looks at me with bright eyes.

"Okay!" I turn and walk up the stairs. Hoping for no more talk, and for more sleep.

"H-H-Hiya Jeff." I sigh.

"Hello, Ben. What's up?" I turn to look at the boy in green pajamas, floating there.

"D-Do you wa-want to pla-play a game w-with me-e? Or are-are you g-goi-going to sleep?" I think about it for a moment.

"Can we play after my nap? And after my headache has left?" He smiles and nods, walking back into his room. Relief rushing through my body as I slouch and go to my room and lay down.

The second I walk in there, my room looks slightly off, like someone was in here previously. It looks, cleaner? It's off looking. Shrugging it off, I go to my nightstand drawer, opening to find my alcohol gone. My smokes are still there but there's no more alcohol. Did I drink it all? I didn't think I drank that much.

I shrug it off. Grabbing a smoke instead. Lighting it quickly, I inhale, coughing a little bit. I'm not allowed to smoke inside, but you know.

I should probably open a window, minimize the smell. I stand up and set the cig in my mouth. Opening the window, fresh air sets in.

That's what's different. Someone came in here and put the screen back on my window. And my bed is neat.

'Slender, were you in my room?'

"No need to contact me, I'm already in here." I jump inhaling once more before lighting it out with my hand, throwing it behind me.

A guilty smile playing on my face, "Were you in my room?" I hear him sigh.

"Yes, I was in your room, you're just, breaking rules all day today, hm?" I laugh nervously.

"I'm sorry, I wanted a water bottle and I asked Sal to get it for me and they tried to stand on the counter so I decided to climb up there and kneel so she didn't risk falling, and the reason why I was smoking in here was because I don't have enough energy to go outside." I speak quickly, trying to see if I can get out of this easily.

I look down at my hand and frown. No scar being present there. Sighing, I put a smile back on my face and stare at the tall man in front of me. He seems upset. I let go of the smile and go to lay down, my smoke time being ruined, and fatigue taking over me. My eyes getting heavy, I move the covers off to the side, crawling under them.

"I'll let you sleep for a little bit. But afterwards me and you are going to go for a walk." I groan, sitting up as I roll my eyes.

"Can't we just do that now? So I can get a full nap later?" I look up at him.

🐊discontinued🐊I'm Fucked Aren't I? (Slenderman x Jeff)Where stories live. Discover now