Yes, their names are Rachel Michaels and Raquel Michel. It's funny, you can laugh.

We went back to looking on Ry's phone and eating when someone sat at our table.

Ivor Hill and JJ, his best friend.

Thank god today is Friday.

"Are you coming to the game tonight?"

Friday football games. The football team is good, but they only practice once a week, same for the cheer team.

"I am." Ryden said.

"No shit you're a cheerleader." I rolled my eyes. Shit.

"So?" Ivor asked again.

"Maybe, I don't know."

"She's coming," Ryden smiled.

"Okay." Ivor and JJ both stood up and walked back to their table with the rest of the football team.

"Ivor frea-"

"Yes, Ivor freaking Hill." I interrupted her, laughing.

"Just asked you if you were going to the football game tonight."

"It's only fair, he went to the practice I coached yesterday."

"You still didn't tell me how that happened."

"He heard me talking to coach B about it at gym class and he just showed up and watched."

"I still don't know how you got on Coach B's good side." She rolled her eyes. Jesus.

"I'm a very likable person." I joked.

"No your not."


In third period, we did absolutely nothing. We sat there will the teacher slept because apparently he was hung over.

He didn't even put a movie on or anything, he just sat there asleep wearing sunglasses.

All the kids were either on their phones or talking except me. Because I'm not like other girls. That was 100 percent a joke please don't take that seriously.

Fourth period, Miss Scott also just put on another Bob Ross video, because she was hung over.

I'm sensing a romance. I'm sensing a Mrs. and Mr. Jones.

Ivor looked at me and and whispered, "I bet you 5 dollars they were together."

"I bet 10."

He nodded and the phone rang.

Miss Scott groaned and stood up to walk over to the phone.

"Well hello Mr. Jones!" She smiled.

I looked at Ivor, "pay up."

"You first."

I pulled a five out of my backpack and he handed me a 10. Easy money.


Fifth period and I already want to go home.

At least it's Friday.

Me and Ryden walked into math class and took our seats.


"So that's why I started teaching math." Ms. Daniels finished.

I really didn't give a shit, but she spent the whole class talking about her "teaching journey", so we didn't have to do any actual math. Thank god.

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