Chapter 1:Make a wish

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~Trinity's p.o.v~

I stood there like an idiot thinking about what I should do. My heart pumping so fast, I can't do this I'm going to chicken out. So I turn around and began to head for the exit but someone grabbed me by the wrist. I turned to see one of my BFFs, Isabella looking at me while shaking her head.

"You know you have to tell him Trixx you can't leave without telling him."She aid calling me by my nickname.

She said while letting go of my wrist. Looking at me with complete seriousness showing. Normally she's calm and cheerful, mostly forgetful. So seeing her like this, is a little bit I don't know. I think sobering is the word.

"She's right it won't be fair to him or you."

Alyssa says adding on as she was leaning on the wall. Looking at me with concern in her eyes but with a serious expression. She's another best friend of mine.

"But I can't I don't know how." I said looking down refusing to move. Kicking the little rocks on the ground, not wanting to look at them.

"Number one, you promise you would come here. Two you had been avoiding him for the whole week especially when he comes to talk to you. Three he deserves to know, four he's your best friend who has been there for you as long as you can remember. Four you'll probably regret not telling him and give I've raised too many figures." She says looking straight into my eyes. With a slight smile on her face to show her amusement. I couldn't help but give a small smile back.

"Do you really want to be the reason that he's broken because you didn't tell him. How would he feel if he woke up one morning, found out you died and that is the way, he found out about what do you think will happen Trixx." Storm added on, she's practically Seldeanna's twin. My third best friend, the one full of positivity and great advice.

A tear rolled down my eye but I quickly wipe it away. What if that actually happens and I never get to see him again, what will happen then?

"Damn you guys got too good with speeches."

My small smile became sad but they knew that I'm listening. Just then Elizabeth came up to us.

"I just saw him I think he's going outside for fresh air."

She said coming towards us and that's when I lose all confidence. Feeling it all get completely drained out of me instantly.

'I don't think I could do it anymore.'

"Don't worry I'm going to be about ten feet away from you don't worry I got your back and Storm, Liz and Lys can go talk with there boyfriends," Seldeanna says

"That Ok with me," Elizabeth said.

She turned around and started to slightly skip back to him. That's a little scary to see, then she nearly tripped. Now that's normal, feeling a hand go round my neck. I turned to face Lucy.

"Tell him or I'll tell him and you know what happen last time I told him."

She told me before going back to being her regular self. Rubbing her cheek on mine, while purring like a cat, before skipping to reach up with Esra. Strom gave me a smile and two thumbs up before jogging a bit to reach the two.

After processing what she told me I couldn't help but think she was right.

'Boy, I hate when she's right.' (Seriously that the first thing that you can think about.)

-mini time skip-

Now I'm with the girls with my suitcase at hand. Turning to Elizebeth and giving her my suitcase but made sure I took the bag since I want to do this right one time. Making my way towards the doors that let me outside. Walk out through the exit so I can get some fresh air before I search for him.

The Story of Captain Posion LilyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora