11| Hospital Memories

Start from the beginning

"Eda is lucky she survived. That amount would kill anyone off, " I point out.

"Your right, do you remember all those times she was determined to build a life for herself and her kids," Dimitri reminds me in a sad tone.

Whenever Eda talked about her children, it always lit something inside of Dimtri. He would always smile and encourage Eda to save her children. Maybe it reminded him of his past, something he never talked about. I always assumed that he had shitty parents.

Realisation hits me, we haven't informed the children that their mother is in hospital.

"Have you called her ex."

Dimitri looks at me with shock and lets out a nervous chuckle before replying, "No way, that bitch is crazy. She saw me with Eda once and threatened to kill me."

"Her kids need to know about their mother," I counter in a reasoning tone.

Everyone has a right to know that their loved one is dying. It should never be hidden. Nobody should miss out on a final chance to say goodbye. It's a opportunity to say 'I love you' and 'Goodbye'

"Alek," Dima sadly calls out.

I knew exactly why he used that tone on me. Pity. I hate it.

"You know he never wanted to hide it." Dimitri carries on making excuses for the biggest coward in my life.

How dare he make excuses for him? That man, my so called father did not deserve sympathy. He could've told me that my mother was dying in hospital. Alone. Fighting for her life. He could've told his son his mother was dying. I had to find out through the kidnappers that my mother had been killed, I had to see the body.

Let's just say it's something my mind can't shake.

I start to walk away, not wanting to hear his blabbering any longer.

"I'll drop it for now but he was only protecting you."

I didn't need protecting. I needed the truth but now I need a drink. Today has been joyful and stressful.

We both make our way home separately. He waits a couple of hours for my anger too cool down which it eventually does.

At this very moment, I'm in the living room, laying across a plush sofa with furry cushions. Definitely wasn't me who picked them. Dimitri would be the one to blame. Speaking of the devil, he's currently hogging the remote watching his stupid rom coms. I swear if I see one more lovey-dovey scene I'll throw up. These men are crazy lovesick fools.

"Oh my God, Patrick and Katrina were so adorable. Don't you think so?" Dimitri questions intensively.

"I definitely do not," I firmly state.

"Don't be a buzzkill. I feel like something sad now, how about the notebook?" he suggests but I know it's not a suggestion. He'll probably end up making me watch it using brother privilege.

This was something we made up when we were children with my little brother. If I wanted something desperately I would use the privilege. It was kind of like our very own currency. Anyway, it still held power over me. I actually owed Dimitri one. He had promised to talk to Adrian's parents about his creepy obsession with me. Hopefully it all gets sorted out soon.

Dimitri is staring me down, begging me to watch one more movie with him. I nod my head.

"Someone kill me," I groan. " My reputation is ruined."

"Stop with the dramatics loverboy," he teasingly taunts with a knowing smirk.

Sometimes I wish I could kill Dimtri. The nickname 'loverboy' has been repeatedly used, ever since he found out I was planning on visiting Angelo's speakeasy. Little did he know I'd already been. With all the tension with Eda, I failed to mention it. No time like the present.

Like always, he's ten steps ahead. Questioning me in a suspicious tone, "So Alek, where did you disappear to. When you ignored my texts all evening."

"I was at the speakeasy."

"Oooooooo, did you meet Angelo," he teases with a mischievous smile.

"Yes I did."

"What was he like?"

I think back to his beautiful face. Something delicate yet electrifyingly attractive. When he insulted me or raised his voice at me, I felt uncontrollable sparks all over my body. A tingly sensation touched every inch of my skin. Something I'd never felt before.

"Alek this is bad, he's got you in a daze," Dimitri shrieks out like the love guru he is. His obsession with romance needed to end, it's sickening. Surprising for someone who's never been in a relationship before. Not that I could say anything.

"Shut up," I whine in a fed up tone.

He looks at me with a shocked expression. I wonder what's wrong with him now. I swear he gets weirder by the day.

"Why are you blushing," he points of with his ugly smirk. I wanted to slap it right of his face.

"I'm not."
"Yes you are. Awww, Alek has a crush."
"Dimitri I will end you."
"No you won't. I can't wait to tell Lexi, his big bad cousin has a crush."

Maybe I have a crush, maybe I don't. It would probably explain why my heart goes into overdrive whenever his name is mentioned.

What would I do now?

Super late, but not been feeling well.

A bit more on Alek and Dimitri's relationship.

Next chapter will be back to Angelo's POV. It's titled Dark Room, any theories?

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