Chapter 1

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(WARNING! This might be triggering to some people. If you feel uncomfortable or think you'll get any ideas from someone self-harming, please stop reading now. I don't want to hurt or upset anyone in anyway. I love you all, if you need someone to talk to please message me. 💌)


Daniella's POV:

One cut...

Ten cuts...

Fifteen cuts...

I stopped there, enough blood flowing from my arms to be satisfied for the time being.

See, there is two reasons behind this recent... obsession, some may say.

One - I still have an weird and uncomfortable liking towards blood. I have ever since I was little, ever since I can remember really.

Two - I feel worthless. Everyone who knows my secret tells me I'm insane. I feel like I actually am to be honest, only cutting myself to satisfy my need of seeing and feeling blood... most people would see that as being insane right?

I watched the blood drip down from my wrist and onto the towel placed on my lap below me, smiling.

I ran my fingertips through the droplets collecting around once, rubbing what gathered on them, on my other fingertips in amazement.

When the blood was mostly dried and my bleeding wrists seized to a stop. I pushed myself off the cold bathroom floor, turning on the sink and washed all the dried up blood off gently.

As I finished, I pulled my load of bracelets back up my arms, tugging my long sleeve shirt over top of them as well, being extra careful to hind the old scars and recent cuts.

"Dani!?" My mother called upstairs as she entered the house, so close to catching me in the act. She has once before and nothing's been the same since, so I try hiding it from her now.

"Yeah!" I answered, walking downstairs to meet her. She was dressed head to toe in bright pink. Just looking at her made me want to vomit.

"You up for a doctor visit tomorrow?" She suggested cheerfully, putting as much pep into her voice since she knew I absolutely hated doctors visits.

"Why?" I narrowed my eyes her way. Everything and everyone at the doctors office freaks me out. It's like they are all robots, all programmed to do and say the same things each time you step into their room.

"You need to get checked up on." She sighed awkwardly, not wanting to say the real reasoning out loud.

I know what she meant by it though...

I had to go to see if I was still depressed and if I was still harming myself in any way, shape, or form.

Like I said before, she walked in on me self harming about a month ago. Since then, she's been trying to help me by always suggesting that I should go to the doctor and get some medicine or something to help ease my mind and pain.

The only thing keeping me from taking that step to recovery is my pet peeve of the doctors office and everyone there. And in all seriousness, I don't think I could live without being able to cut and satisfying my urges to get to blood.

"You know I hate the doctors office." I scoffed, dismissing her suggestion like I usually do as I walked past her brightly dressed figure.

"Please Dani, I want you to feel better." She begged quietly. Her voice was week, making me turn my head back in her direction.

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