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Nobody's POV:-
It took them 15 minutes to arrive back and 5 more minutes to get to their room. Jack took out the keys and slowly opened the door and entering their room, Corbyn following suit, shutting the door behind him and grabbing Jack's wrist, yanking him back so he was pressed against Corbyn with his back facing Corbyn's front. He let out a low moan as Corbyn began kissing his neck softly, right over his sensitive spot. He could also feel Corbyn's hard on against his ass and his cheeks became red. He bit his lip and closed his eyes, savoring the contact.

"Corbs", he breathed out.

Corbyn smirked slowly before turning them around and pushed Jack against their door. Jack turned around to face him and Corbyn immediately pinned him to the door with his wrists above his head as he captured his soft sweet lips, the kiss soon getting heated. The two made out for a couple of minutes before Corbyn moved away slowly, kissing at Jack's neck again, leaving a trail of prominent hickeys to his collarbone. He sucked on the spot, having figured out that was one of Jack's sweet spots and smirked slowly, feeling Jack shiver under him in pleasure. He trailed his hands down Jack's body until he reached the bottom of his shirt before slipping his hands in and placing his warm hands on Jack's naked back. Then he suddenly pulled away and looked up at Jack.

"Are you sure you're okay with this, baby?", Corbyn asked, his breath ghosting over Jack's lips.

"I've never more sure of anything in my life. I want you", Jack said nodding as he looked into Corbyn's eyes.

Corbyn smiled begire pecking his lips softly.

"Okay", he whispered before pulling away and continuing his trail of kisses. His hand suddenly grabbed the hem of the younger's shirt and he began pulling it upwards. Jack obliged, raising his arms up as the material was pushed above his head before it fell to the floor with a low thud. In less than a second, Corbyn's lips were back on his and the brunette's hands trailed down Jack's creamy pale skin.

Jack moaned into the kiss and Corbyn smiled, moving his head down, kissing every inch of Jack's body before his teeth gently grazed the soft material of Jack's pants as he got onto his kness. He hooked his hands on either sides of Jack's pants and looked up at his boyfriend with hooded eyes.

"Is this okay?", he whispered and Jack simply nodded in return, not being able to say anything.

The taller smiled slightly and gently pulled down Jack's pants. They pioled around the curly haired boy's knees as Corbyn's eyes stared intensely at Jack's bare cock now and Jack felt himself blushing under the intense gaze of his boyfriend.

"C-Corbs", he stuttered out as Corbyn stood frozen in his spot, his hands gently cupping Jack's ass cheeks.

"You're so gorgeous Jacky", Corbyn finally whispered after a couple of minutes.

"T-Thanks", is all he could mustered out, causing Corbyn to chuckle before he leaned forward and gently took the tip of Jack's cock in his mouth. The brown eyed boy tipped his head back and let out a moan of pure pleasure. Sure, he had gotten several blow jobs before but nothing compared to the way Corbyn's hot mouth was gently caressing his hard dick, his tongue gently sliding over the head of Jack's cock.

"Oh my gosh, Corbyn!", he moaned out as Corbyn pressed his lips firmly against the younger's cock.

The older smirked pulling away a little as he looked up at Jack.

"Jeez baby. I haven't even done anything and you're still moaning my name like crazy. Someone's definitely horny", he said grinning at Jack.

"Shut up", Jack said huffing as he glared down at Corbyn but his voice was soft like he wasn't actually annoyed at Corbyn for saying that.

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