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Nobody's POV:-
For as long as Jack moved into his dorm room and had started attending the university, he had always wanted a roommate but he never wanted Corbyn Besson to become his roommate. He hated the boy with a passion, even more than Maths which was saying something. He had been fuming inside ever since the Dean had told him about the "best" solution. He couldn't believe his luck. An asshole like Corbyn was becoming his roommate. It was like life itself was laughing over his decision of finally telling on Corbyn. He was pissed with himself for doing that because of course life would always end up giving him a punishment for his actions, always kicking him in the balls for taking drastic measures.

He was also somewhat slightly annoyed but extremely pissed today because it was the day, the day the bad boy of the whole fucking campus was moving into his room and it was safe to say the jerk had already made his life a living hell.

He sighed as he collapsed on his bed. He had a Maths test in two hours and he knew he should be studying, solving as many equations as possible but his mind was still wandering from the fact that it was today, the day his life would start to become a living hell and the actual living hadn't even started yet. He knew though that Corbyn would give him absolute shit for ratting him out and his mind was racing from all the different scenarios he had pictured that the older boy would use on him. I guess that's why they say, never mess with a bad boy. Or wait... Is that even a saying or did he just come up with that. Either way, there should be a warning about that. He was definitely going to face a lot of hell with Corbyn as his new roommate.

He closed his eyes and put a hand over his face, covering it. He sighed frustrated. He was an idiot, an absolute complete fucking idiot. Why did he go and have to mess with that stupid fucking bad boy? The whole campus knew Corbyn was dangerous. Hell, he knew more than anyone else because he was mostly the target of the unrequired "affection" from the older boy.

He was still drowning in his thoughts, feeling like he just wanted to punch something really hard that it would break under his touch, when he heard a knock on the door. He sighed immediately getting up, knowing exactly who it was. He dragged his feet towards the door and stopped in front of it.

Before he grabbed the handle and opened the door, he set his jawline in a firm manner, clenching it as he put a glare on the face then slowly opened the door, meeting his rival's eyes, directing the glare towards him.

"Jack", his rival spoke.

"Corbyn", he spat out.

Oh, this was definitely going to be one hell of a ride.

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