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Nobody's POV:-
"Huh?", Jack asked looking like he was confused but his heart was beating fast.

"I said I like you too Jacky", Corbyn said smirk widening as he moved a little closer.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about", Jack squeaked out, voice becoming an octave higher as Corbyn moved even closer.

"Oh really?", Corbyn asked."Because your face says other wise".

"I-I...", Jack gulped but trailed off, not knowing what to say.

"Tell me you want me as much as I want you, baby boy. Because I don't think I can live without you anymore. Your smile, your eyes and god, your lips. Don't even get me started on your lips. They look so plump and delicious, I just wanna keep kissing them all day. I like you Jacky. No, actually I love you. I'm in love with you. Completely and absolutely fallen for you", Corbyn whispered out as he pinned Jack against one of the shelves. His face had soft and fond and there was now a look of complete and pure love visible in his eyes. That was enough to boost Jack's confidence and so he pulled the older closer by wrapping his arms around Corbyn's neck.

"I like you too, Corbs", he murmured and Corbyn's heart fluttered at the nickname. "Actually, I think I might've fallen for you too. Long before I figured it out myself".

Jack looked down as he finished speaking and Corbyn smiled, seeing a blush on the shorter's face.

"Look at me when you say that, baby", he whispered as he placed his fingers under Jack's cheek and made him look up again. Jack made eye contact with Corbyn and blushed even harder.

"I love you Corbyn", he barely said above a whisper.

"I'm going to kiss you now", Corbyn murmured, leaning forward.

"Okay", Jack breathed out before soft lips gently pressed against his own as his heart fluttered even more as he pulled Corbyn closer. His eyes fluttered shut as he smiled against the blue eyed boy's lips.

The kiss was nothing like the two boys had ever felt before. For one, it was only Jack's second time kissing someone, the first one being with his first girlfriend Gabbie in 9th grade and second because he had waited so long for this. For Corbyn though, the kiss meant something entirely different. Sure, he had kissed a lot of boys and girls in his time but this one easily topped them all. It was just so amazing. The sparks flying inside him, his body literally felt like electricity was coarsing through him and he felt so alive.

He smiled as he gave Jack one last gentle peck on the lips before pulling away.

"Amazing", he murmured against Jack's lips, voicing his thoughts.

"Yeah", Jack answered breathless.

"Uh..boys", they heard from behind and jumped apart, turning around to see the librarian standing there. 

"Heyyy Lydia", Corbyn said casually as he pulled a blushing Jack closer to him again.

"Sorry to interrupt your moment but it's almost closing time. I need to sort everything out so if you could please just...", she said then trailed off, gesturing with her hand.

"Oh yeah. Of Course. We'll leave you to it", Corbyn said grabbing Jack's hand and pulling him down the stairs and out of the library.

"Sooo..do you maybe wanna go on a date with me?", Corbyn asked the brown eyed boy as soon as they stopped walking.

"Right now?", Jack asked with eyes wide. It was nearly 12.

"Yeah. Why not?", Corbyn said shrugging.

"You're crazy", Jack said smiling suddenly.

"I know", Corbyn said smirking. "Crazy for you".

"Gish. Your flirting", Jack said chuckling as Corbyn moved closer to kiss him. He happily kissed back, feeling like they had wasted enough time already and every kiss meant everything to him. Corbyn let out a laugh as well when he pulled back.

"So, what do you say, Baby doll?", Corbyn whispered, causing Jack shiver from the nickname and himself to smile more widely.

Jack remained silent as his face looked like he was trying hard to think about something then finally he smiled at Corbyn softly.

"Okay. Yeah. Let's do it", he said, grabbing Corbyn's hand and leading him out of the campus, Corbyn following with a small smile plastered across his lips.

A/N:- Okay guys. Chapter 21. As you can probably tell now, this book is coming to an end soon, so stay tuned. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this. And Thank you for reading. Have a good day or night and Stay Blessed 😃💝. Love you guys :).

Jarbyn with Zaniel and Jebenحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن