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Nobody's POV:-
Jack had arrived in his room after saying goodbye to Zach, who was definitely a blushing mess after Daniel talked to him. It was no secret that Zach had a crush on Daniel, well not to anyone but Daniel. Jack smiled at the thought, shaking his head as he pulled out his books.

He sat down in front of his desk and opened up his notebooks. Just then Corbyn came into the room with his hair tousled and face red. Jack's heart clenched as he immediately smelt the women perfume in the air. There was no doubt where Corbyn had been. Obviously he knew that the other boy would never feel the same about him but it still hurt every time he saw Corbyn with someone else.

"Hey", Corbyn mumbled and even his voice sounded hoarse.

Jack quickly composed himself and answered back with a "hey" before turning back to his books.

"So, are you going to help me with Maths now that you've stopped me from meeting Frost for no apparent reason", Jack asked after a while, turning towards Corbyn. The brunette had taken a shower and was now sprawled across his bed with his eyes half closed.

"Nope", Corbyn simply smirked with his eyes still half closed. He did look hot like that, Jack admitted to himself.

He sighed and turned back towards his books when suddenly an idea popped into his mind. A mischievous smile made it's way to his lips and for a second, Jack was shocked at himself for coming up with such an evil idea. Well, guess Corbyn was rubbing off on him a little.

He grinned as he pulled out his phone then turned back to Corbyn.

"Well, I guess that you won't care if I call Frost to come tutor me again", Jack said grinning.

"What the fuck are you doing?", Corbyn growled out. He was sitting up in bed now, his eyes filled with anger.

"What?", Jack said innocently as he pulled up Frost's number. Before he could press the call button, Corbyn got up and was lunging towards him. He grinned and dodged, getting up from his chair.

Corbyn growled looking frustrated. Jack, admittedly had never seen Corbyn like that. He really felt scared for a second there.

He grinned as he pressed the call button and put it against his ear but before he could say anything, Corbyn had cornered him to the wall behind him and had grabbed his phone, throwing his phone on his bed before invading his personal space.

"W-What are you doing?", Jack stuttered out, feeling flustered with the older boy so close to him.

Corbyn shook his head and sighed.

"God, you're so infuriating Jack. Why do you have to be like that?", he mumbled out.

"I could say the same about you", Jack said rolling his eyes.

Corbyn glared at him, moving closer and Jack gulped. Corbyn was too close now.

"Personal space Corbyn", he managed to squeak out, trying to push Corbyn away but Corbyn was stronger with all the workout he did, it really paid off.

"If you call Frost again, baby boy, I'm going to have to punish you", Corbyn whispered against his ear.

Jack shivered but couldn't say, his heart beating fast with the taller so close.

Just then a shrill sound was heard, the sound of the bell indicating the time for the next class. Corbyn's eyes widened a little before he completely pulled away from Jack and before Jack could even open his mouth, he was out the door, slamming it shut behind him. Jack sighed, staying against the wall for a few seconds before he straightened up, grabbed his books, bag and headed out of the room to his class.

He tried to focus in class but his mind was racing. What had happened in the room right then? Was Corbyn jealous? He shook his head, of course not. Corbyn was a natural flirt. He was just mad because he had pretty good competition with Frost and he hated to lose. Jack sighed and turned his attention to the class. It was chemistry and they were studying about proteins, you know amino acids and all.

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