Chapter 14

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March 5, 2042

Beacon Academy

When Ruby got back to her dorm from meeting with Ozpin, Glynda, and Ironwood, her team immediately rushed her. "What happened?!" said Yang.

"Uh, um… well…"

Despite what Ozpin had said about being discreet, Ruby went ahead and told them about how she mentioned the possibility of a base in southeast Vale thanks to what Sun and Blake had discovered at the White Fang meeting.

"That was a risky move," commented Weiss.

"No," said Blake, "I think you handled it well."

"I hope so," said Ruby with a shrug.

"I'm sure everything will be all right, Ruby," added Yang. "Oh! I know what will cheer you up."

"What's that?"

"I don't know. Dad sent it to us," said Yang, placing a medium sized box on the floor. "We can open it together."

Ruby squealed. "Something from home!"

Ruby, Weiss, and Blake looked on eagerly as Yang peeled back the tape on the box and opened its flaps. They looked on in anticipation as a small, rotund, furry item jumped to life. It barked. Ruby and Yang squealed, Weiss recoiled, and Blake jumped onto Ruby's bunk.

"Zwei!" cheered Ruby, scooping up the corgi.

"Your dad sent a dog?!" said Blake.

"In the mail?!" added Weiss.

"Oh, he does stuff like this all the time," explained Yang.

"Your father or your dog?" asked Blake.

Weiss leaned in to get a better look at Zwei as he panted in her face. "Do you mean to tell me that this… mangy… drooling mutt… is going to wiv with us foreva?! Oh, yes, he is. Yes, he is! Oh, isn't he adorable?!" she fawned.

Blake was not amused. "Please keep it away from my belongings."

Suddenly, there was a message on the PA from Glynda. "Would all first-year students please report to the amphitheater."

"Well, we can't just leave him here while we're gone for a week," noted Weiss.

Yang looked deeper into the box. "Oh. There's a letter. 'Dear girls. I've got to leave the island for a few days so I'm sending Zwei to you to take care of. Enclosed is all the food you should need. Love you both. Taiyang.'" Yang tipped over the box and a mountain of cans of dog food fell out.

"What is he supposed to do with that?" asked Weiss.

Yang shook the box and a can opener fell out as well. "Welp. That settles it. C'mon, girls. Zwei will be here when we get back."

As Weiss passed Zwei, she continued with the baby talk. "Oh, I'll miss you so much! We're going to be best friends. I can't wait to see you again. You're so cute!"

Blake meanwhile jumped from Ruby's bed to a table and to the door.

Ruby however considered Zwei very intently. She didn't feel right about leaving him behind and surely Yang hadn't considered the mess and mischief he would cause while they were gone. But how could she take him on the mission with her?

At the Hands of the Old [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now