Unleash true potential.

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Two grey Jedi took Riv and Shiri to their ship they've arrived here. When they left Coruscant, grey Jedi introduced themselves. The older Jedi's name was Devar Sharmit, and the young one was Zatan Turmik.

'We left the Jedi Order not long before the conflict on Geonosis, which sparkled the Clone Wars,' said Zatan when Riv asked why they left Jedi order. 'I was a padawan, but I shared all master Sharmit's believes and views over the Force. There is no light or dark side. The Force is inseparable.'

'So much for the reason to become... an outcast?' Riv asked him.

'We never viewed ourselves as outcasts. Just those who no longer belong to Jedi. We believed that Jedi order went too much into politics and conflicts while forgetting its main goal of keeping the peace, without much intervention.'

'You can't solve a problem without any effort,' Riv pointed out.

'In many cases, the problem solves itself after you change your point of view,' said Zatan imperturbably.

'Never had such experience....' Riv shrugged.

'It's easy. Let me give you an example-we have let you fly on our ship. It is a problem for us that you now know how our ship looks. And who knows, might be you shall break our agreement and hunt for us in the future,' smiled Zatan. 'But the problem shall solve itself- we shall not consider this ship to be ours anymore. That it.'

'I guess this is far beyond my understanding,' replied Riv. He watched as Devar went from the cockpit to the main cabin, where they were sitting now.

'Do you know where we have to go now?' Devar asked, looking at Riv.

'This is what I'm now trying to think about,' he replied.

'A vision,' said Shiri and looked upon Devar and Zatan. 'We can use a Force vision to see where Skywalker is. Can we do this together?'

'We actually can,' Devar nodded.

Riv, Shiri, Zatan, and Devar sat in the passenger compartment with closed eyes, meditating. They were trying to see where Skywalker could be now. But everything they could sense was darkness and heat, just like the last time. Riv could see two blue lightsaber blades intensively clashing among the darkness, and then a bright orange glow lightened everything around. Riv could hear clear words roaring from nowhere and from everywhere at the same time.

'You underestimate my power!'

A seizure of a sharp pain stroke Riv. A burning sensation seized him. Riv felt like being on fire.

'I HATE YOU!' A loud, full of rage and pain scream roared.

'You were my brother Anakin! I loved you!' Another voice cried, full of emotional pain.

The last thing Riv could hear was a heavy breathing sound like someone is using some life support mechanism. Vision has disappeared.

Riv looked at everyone else. Like himself, Shiri, Zatan, and Devar were all covered with sweat, and Shiri had tears coming from her eyes.

'We have seen this vision before,' said Riv. 'But we didn't know who were those two fightings each other.'

'Never had anything like this,' said Zatan, wiping out sweat from his forehead.

'So do I,' agreed Devar. 'But what happened with the Skywalker? Has he lost the fight? He could be dead by now.'

'He is alive,' said Riv.

'How do you know it?' Devar asked him, with slight distrust in his voice.

'He is alive, I know it. He survived!' Riv insisted. 'I heard a hard-breathing voice in the end. It was Skywalker. He is alive.'

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