A sweet seduction.

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Coruscant, Palpatine's apartments.

Riv carefully walked into an empty reception room, generously finished in a scarlet tint. While there was no one inside, he could sense the presence of someone powerful, very close. The door behind the reception desk opened as soon Riv went closer. He could see a hooded figure sitting at the other side of a large round room. Riv slowly walked inside the room.

'Come inside, boy,' said a hooded figure, who appeared to be Palpatine. 'After those long years of struggle, you have finally come to the right place.'

'The force is guiding me,' said Riv. He walked closer to Palpatine's desk and kneeled.

'Have you wonder...Why you've never been granted the rank of a Jedi knight while others, significantly less capable individuals were receiving their high ranks?' Said Palpatine, rising from his chair and slowly walking towards the Riv.

'How... do you know it?' Riv asked.

'I know everything,' said Palpatine slowly, walking around Riv. 'So can you. The dark side grants great power, and you have everything to master it.' He stopped right behind Riv and widely smiled.

'What a pity... Having such talent, strength, and strong desire to use it, and being a slave of the Jedi!'

'I've never been allowed to pass Jedi Knight trials,' said Riv. 'I tried hard to meet the expectations of my master and the Jedi council, but....'- Riv was interrupted by Palpatine.

'And you would have never be allowed! You have frightened those Jedi with the unstoppable power you possess. They would have never let you reach even half of your true potential. Don't make such a foolish mistake Jedi did by restraining your powers! Brake down the shackles of the Jedi's lies and embrace your true destiny! The power you possess will make nothing impossible for you. It is time to give it good use. And I can help you with it.' Palpatine stood close to him. It was a particular challenge for Riv to keep his mind calm and silent.

'Your speech, about the Empire. It is true?' Riv asked. 'You shall bring peace and order to the galaxy?'

'Every single word is a truth, my young friend,' smiled Palpatine. 'The Empire shall bring the order, justice, and security to our galaxy.'

'I want to pledge myself serving the Empire and make its glorious and noble plans come true!' Riv declared, making Palpatine even more delightful. 'Jedi failed their mission because they were weak and foolish. But I'm going to succeed. I shall commit myself to serve this goal!'

'Good, good!' Palpatine smiled. 'But yet, there is something more. Ah, I see now—a strong will to avenge your fallen betrayed friends. But you are trying to suppress it. Why, my boy?' Palpatine put his hand on Riv's shoulder.

'I... don't know....' said Riv. He could sense Palpatine can see his minds, secrets, and desires. Never Riv had such an experience.

'An old Jedi dogma... A foolish paradigm!' Palpatine shouted, walking away from Riv. 'Traitor once is a traitor forever!' He thundered. 'Treason must not be tolerated! Do what must be done! Do not hesitate. Find this traitor and eliminate him at once! Once you defeated the traitor, bring me his weapon. That shall be your trial. If you succeed in finding out the traitor, tracking him down, and killing him, you shall take place right next to me, as my apprentice.' Palpatine declared and walked back to his chair.

'I will not fail you!' Riv said, still keep standing on his knees.

'For this trial, I shall grant you my personal indulgence,' said Palpatine, looking at the Riv from his seat. 'I shall accept whatever cost it would take to accomplish your goal. Unleash your true power against anyone daring to stand in your way, including any Imperial forces. That is my command! Now rise, and go!'

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