Days of former glory.

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Planet Pongarlon. Outer rim. Confederacy of Independent Systems world. 19 BBY.

A guy about mid-twenties in a dark-green cloak sneaked among lush green bushes growing over a small rocky plateau.

'Alright, Spike. I'm in position,' said lad through his wrist communicator. He could see everything from his hideout, and the enemy could not see him at all.

'Copy that, sir!' Commander Spike quickly replied. 'We are waiting for your orders.'

The lad took a small electro binocular to watch around.

'Four walking cannons, some battledroids, and three tanks. Not a problem,' he said, observing the enemy's position.

'But not without our help, sir!' Spike added.

'Wait, I can see some dwelling here too,' lad adjusted his binocular. 'I can see at least two of them. Not good. We got to be careful. There might be someone inside.'

'Understood, sir!' Spike replied. 'Those blasted droids are always using a living shield. They did the same with Twileiks on the Ryloth. We can't wait to trash those clunkers!'

'Alright, the plan is simple,' said lad over the comms. 'I'm going in hot and wiping out whatever I can. You take defensive positions and cover me as much as you can. Notch and Madcap take sniper roles. Lighter and you Spike cover my back. Only when you see me about to be killed, jump in. When I trash all the cannons, we shall send a "clear to go" signal to our cruiser in orbit.'

'A nice plan, sir!' Spike responded. 'We won't let you down!'

Lad closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He could sense every single droid out there, and now, he wanted to destroy every one of them. Lad opened his eyes, ignited his blue lightsaber, and made a long leap over the enemy positions.

'Look over there, a Jedi!' Shouted one tiny, skeleton alike battledroid.

'Kill him!' Ordered droid commander, with a yellow mark on its head.

'Roger-Roger!' Droids replied and tried to aim at the Jedi. The lad made a powerful Force repulse and threw away five droids at the same time.

'Take those clunkers down. Open fire!' Shouted commander Spike. Two dozen clone troopers fired from numerous hideouts, covering nearly the whole battlefield.

One of the tanks aimed its main gun at the Jedi, but the lad made a powerful Force jump. The other two tanks began to fire randomly, hoping to hit Jedi. The lad got caught in a crossfire.

'Get that tank down!' Spike called. Two clone troopers fired from the misle launchers and blew up one of the tanks. The other two tanks began to search for the new, more significant threat. The lad managed to get clear from a heavy fire into a small cover. From his new position, he could see several shells outside the ammunition case for the walking cannons. The lad threw those shells right into the remaining tanks. Shells detonated and caused a massive explosion, destroying both tanks and a dozen of battledroids.

When tanks were gone, Jedi rushed to the nearest heavy artillery cannon.

Lad swiftly jumped close to the cannon, severed two of its legs, and cut the main gun barrel.

'One down already!' Said lad smiling. He wanted to charge another cannon but received an urgent message. Lad activated his communicator, and a hooded figure appeared.

'I'm in the middle of fight master!' The lad said briefly.

'Padawan!' Figure exclaimed. 'You were supposed to disable those cannons a while ago!'

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