A sweet seduction.

Start from the beginning

'Thank you!' Riv stood up and left Palpatine's apartment.

Walking down busy Coruscant night streets, Riv has been looking for Shiri. Last time they saw each other on the cruiser before Riv went to Palpatine's apartment. He told Shiri to lay low in the city, and he shall find her with the Force. He was still under significant influence and impression by the Palpatine. He possessed incredible power with the dark side of the Force, yet Jedi, including Grand Master Yoda, could not have sensed it. Riv caught himself thinking that he would learn from Palpatine much more than all Jedi could have taught him.

Riv went inside a small crowded cantina, where people were celebrating the end of the Clone Wars. Although most of the Coruscant inhabitants have never seen the real war, all of them were happy to embrace a new, hopefully, better era of peace.

Walking among diverse creatures inhabiting Coruscant upper levels, Riv stopped at the small table in the far corner of the cantina. Shiri was sitting there alone, with a small glass of juice.

'Can I have one?' Riv asked and sat against Shiri.

'It's just a juice....' she said, then looked at the Riv. 'I sense a darkness deep inside you....'

'Yeah, I know it,' Riv said briefly. 'I guess we had our talk on this matter already.'

'You accepting this darkness and letting it spread inside you! Will I be able to bring you back to the light side? Will you want to come back?' Shiri even moved away from Riv as far as she could.

'There is no more light or a dark side,' said Riv, looking right upon Shiri. 'There is only our duty and our survival. Without our survival, we won't be able to fulfill our duty. That is what matters only now.'

'You already talking like a Sith, bringing everything to an absolute!' Shiri said, trying to look away from Riv.

'I expected more... countenance from you,' said Riv, rising from a coach. 'Well then, I shall do everything myself alone. Try not to cross my way next time we meet, if we ever to meet again.'

Riv walked towards the exit when he heard Shiri's voice.

'Wait! I'm coming with you!' She said, trying to catch up with Riv.

'Yet you decided to give a try on me?' He asked.

'I won't try. I shall do it,' she said.

'Do exactly what?' Riv raised an eyebrow.

'Hold you from completely falling to the dark side!' Shiri said.

Riv and Shiri were flying in an open roof speeder through Coruscant night streets.

'I need to know who betrayed Jedi back there, during the assault on the temple. I'll find him and then kill,' said Riv.

'Is it necessary to kill him?' Shiri asked carefully.

'Absolutely,' said Riv without any emotion. 'The Emperor commands traitor's death. I have to obey. There is no other way.'

'I'm sure there are plenty of them,' said Shiri quietly but decided not to speak about this matter anymore now.

Riv landed speeder not far from the grand stair to the Jedi temple. They walked together with Shiri towards the main entry. The squad of clones and an Imperial officer were guarding the entrance into the Temple.

'Hold it right there!' Officer shouted when he saw Riv and Shiri approaching. But Riv kept walking.

'I said hold it right there! I won't repeat once more!' Officer pointed his weapon right at the Riv.

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